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Research Papers on Teachers Career

The profession of teaching not only relies on professional knowledge and learning but also on the development of professional identity. Researchomatic features a range of teacher’s career research papers which focus on continued professional learning. The variety of teacher’s career research papers provided will allow readers to understand and analyze the central tasks involved in the profession.

EDUCATION Education - Teachers' Career Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Education” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Education” and its relation with “career development for teachers”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Education” and tries to gauge its effect on ...
Teaching Methods
TEACHING METHODS Teaching Methods Teaching Methods Introduction The methods of teaching are the basic components of the curriculum, so that the educational objectives, content chosen by educators and instructors in the curriculum. Therefore, teaching methods are considered as a liaison between the student and the components of the curriculum. As the teacher ...
Brain-Compatible Learning Environments
BRAIN-COMPATIBLE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Brain-Compatible Learning Environments Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Brain-compatible learning” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Brain-compatible learning” and its relation with “Schools and Teaching Environment”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Brain-compatible learning” and tries to ...
Childhood Obesity
CHILDHOOD OBESITY Childhood Obesity Table of Contents Introduction3 Discussion3 When a child can be termed as fat?3 Why do some children, of the same age, same sex, same activity levels, same eating habits, and same family, put on weight, whereas their siblings do not?4 Factors that cause Obesity in Child4 Conclusion7 Child Obesity Introduction Childhood obesity is a subject much discussed ...
Administrator’s Support For Special Education
Administrator's Support for Special Education Administrator's Support for Special Education Topic: Administrators Support of Special Education Article Search from ProQuest Article Search from EBSCOhost Article Search from ERIC A Response to "Preparing Special Education Administrators for Inclusion in Diverse, Standards-Based Contexts," Administrator support of special education teachers: Defining it and measuring it Administrative intervention: A discipline handbook ...
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