Criminal Justice Management

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Criminal Justice Management

Criminal Justice Management


Crimes have been experienced in societies since the beginning of time, and have been accepted as the nature of man, given the right circumstances or the wrong motive. The extent of criminal behavior may vary, but one may only analyze the motive of crime through a thorough working knowledge of human psychology .If one lives n a crime free community it is likely they would not be able to adapt in an environment where criminal behavior is ample, but it is impossible right now to track down communities that have remained off the map of criminal behavior being observed in the inhabitants.

Learning more about the criminal aspects of one's society through a biological and psychological know-how remain to be the only methods that can provide information about why communities are thus riddled by crimes and offenders. Although quite a controversial issue in communities, it is also one that has seen increasing importance given the level of crimes that have slowly been emerging. In this paper, I will be attempting to develop a program for the training of correctional officers for a special internal affairs unit. I will be analyzing which factors need to be understood to create a training strategy for regular officers.


In prison and correctional facilities, there would probably be a lot of problems as per socialization and the mannerisms which inmates develop as their adaptive strategies. For this, training programs are plenty for correctional officers and if given the opportunity to design one myself, I would try my best to incorporate fairness and instruction in the daily regime. Using an effective combination of routine and training, I would ensure the correctional trainers are fully aware of the daily habits of the facility itself, and thus move forward with their own training capacities. There are often particular traits that inmates are notorious for, and there's often trouble at the hands of said inmates due to their defensive strategies but I would train the correctional officers to be on guard for disruptive behavior.

Moreover, I would incorporate the use of physical training sessions every day at particular times to instill a sense of order within the facility. The correctional officers would be made to go through academic instruction, which includes theories and methods on how to handle disruptive and harmful behavior towards groups and the inmates themselves. It would also include a physical fitness program through which the officers will learn of the traditionalist and the modern ways of dealing with prisoners and how the use of violence may be handled. One of the biggest factors that I feel needs to be incorporated into the training of new correctional facilitators is the use of force awareness, since there are so many factors that are interrelated within these and could potentially lead to more harm than good.

Communication skills are another skill I wish to include in the training program, with culture-sensitive training as well. The training programs observed within current correctional facilities ...
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