The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant information relating to the analysis of leadership style in criminal justice organizations. Whether in police or any other department, leadership is a process of influencing others to achieve a common objective. Leadership is a concept used in many different contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes good leadership. In this paper, we will examine different aspects of leadership in criminal justice organization.
Discussion & Analysis
Criminal justice organizations, i.e. police, are often faced with situations where they have to justify their actions in front of media. Some cases of riots and protests are meant to be disclosed in front of the media, while others have to be kept confidential. Such situations require extra ordinary communication skills on the part of the police department. In order to keep the situation stable and stationary, police must possess appropriate leadership style. Similarly, when dealing with protests and riots, police must employ effective leadership skills to control the chaos and stabilize the situation accordingly. The kind of leadership style to be employed depends upon the situation the police are encountered to. If the protest is of large magnitude, and the protestant are getting out of control, than there is a need to adapt situational leadership style. However, in situation, where event can be controlled through negotiation, the police should employ transformational leadership style (Klofas, 1990).
Situational leadership is an art and the ultimate expression of leadership. It means having a toolbox (leadership) and using at any time in the most appropriate (situational). The most important part of leadership in criminal justice organizations is not based simply on ...