Creating Motivated Workforce

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Creating Motivated Workforce

Creating Motivated Workforce


Organizational Behavior mainly explained as the purpose and to understand how people as individuals, groups, organizational units and in all organizations because of their perception, thinking and feeling behavior and deal with the consequences of their actions. This is often the approach of systems theory, in particular the theory of social systems and used primarily oriented to the rules of the effective interactions between the individual, the group, the total system and its socio-economic environment. In Anglo-American literature is part of the organizational behavior foundation of all social sciences and economics courses at a theoretical level.

In organization theory there are a variety of different approaches, one organization, each describing a particular perspective. All approaches have in common is that they view organizations strongly as complex, dynamic structure with a mixed socio-economic character. The organization theory tries to explain the purpose of the creation and functioning of organizations and organization understands the specific arrangement of interfaces between the responsibilities of labor along value-added processes (Peiro & Martinez-Tur, 2003, pp. 79-84).

In contrast, Organizational Behavior at the targeted use of forms of organization and assurance of social rules, processes, functions and structures for influencing human behavior in organizations. These are also different contexts (e.g., expectations, behavior or sense) in their behavior-controlling effects seen through.


Understanding Organizational Behavior

There are several basic concepts of what meant by the organization. Organization refers to as a reality outside observer; it reveals a real description of structures and effect relationships and analyzes them. An organization recognized, therefore, the essential things.

Organization refers to as a mental model of an observer, then recorded a description of the cognitive models of the environment and their own patterns of behavior of those involved. An organization, therefore, constructed by observers of the distinctions and terms of this distinguished. Organization refers to as a discourse of the participants, then recorded a description of the promised light of the understandings of reality involved. An organization thus effected by the discourses in which we participate. Refers to organizations as a social, mechanistic controls only limited irresistible (Rashford & Coghlan, 1993, pp. 3-8), autopoietic system, an organization of (communicating) decisions is as a consequence of previous decisions and other decisions as a prerequisite.Level of Analysis

Organizational Behavior uses three levels of analysis, individual behavior, behavior in groups and organizational behavior. These levels are neither selective nor cover-free, because an individual may consider in a situation (e.g. a meeting), both subjects of targets and agree with other group members, group goals to the strategy development to influence the formulation of organizational goals in favor of the group. The behavioral effects of goals thus act controlling in all three levels of analysis.

Individual Behavior

Individual human behavior fundamentally influenced by subjective notions about the constant flow of perception itself, emotional and motivational states in the form of mental models because of their own observations. Observations made by the observer assigned a meaning (attribution), and personal values, settings, goals are just as important as the ability to own thoughts.

Human behavior in organizations aimed at building basic common meanings (sense making) ...
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