Employee's Attitude Towards Appraisal System And How It Affects Their Motivation To Work

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Employee's Attitude Towards Appraisal System and How it Affects their Motivation to Work



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Background of the Study1

Research Question1

Aims and Objective of the study2

Rationale of the Study2

Limitations & Delimitations of the study2



Performance Appraisal4

Current Performance Appraisal Research8




Background of the Study

A high performance workforce is an important element in creating a successful business. When competitive advantage through technology, a superior product, and entry barriers is not possible, people are often what differentiate a successful organization from an unsuccessful one. Creating a high performance workforce, however, is not an easy task. Studies on human behavior within organizations have shown that the creation of a high performance workforce is complicated. Many factors affect whether or not an organization can in fact become high performing.

Human resource management (HRM) research finds that people practices correlate positively with firm performance. In addition, research suggests that high levels of employee job satisfaction link to increased employee motivation (Herzberg, 1966). High levels of motivation link to increased organizational performance. Highly engaged employees drive higher performance (Hewitt, 2004). This research suggests that employers should focus attention on motivating and engaging their employees in an effort to improve firm performance (Herzberg, 1966; Hewitt, 2004). Generational cohort differences between employees compound the complexity in creating a high performance workforce.

Research Question

What are the factors employee's attitude towards appraisal system and how it affects their motivation to work in an organization?

Aims and Objective of the study

The key objectives are firstly; identify the main relationships between the individual variables in relation to the core job dimensions. Secondly, to what degree are these factors are presented in the selected organisation. Lastly, how important are these factors to the employees of the selected organisation.

Rationale of the Study

The main rationale of the research topic is to gain a deeper understanding about the similarities and differences in the motivation of employees which may help organisations to motivate its employees and create organisational commitment.

Limitations & Delimitations of the study

A number of limitations of our study must be mentioned. These limitations also provide avenues for further research. First, the sample of our study will restricted to a specific region in Europe. Additional research might use cross-country or cross-continent comparisons.

Secondly, this study will use data obtained from employees to a limited extent. Additional studies in this field should use employees-based data to a greater extent than we will to achieve a deeper understanding of the processes that drive customer reactions.

Thirdly, this study merely considers the moderating effects of the employee's orientation of ...
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