Consumer Behavior Ethics

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Consumer behavior ethics

Unethical consumer behavior

In the past few decades consumer behavior has changed significantly. Now days when products are customized and made available under one click of customers from computers. Customers changed their way of living according with the change occurred in the environment in term of technology, social and economic changes. Therefore, consumer behavior is defined as the way or pattern in which consumer use for purchasing, consuming and disposing a product (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010).


Today, consumer under goes through a variety of the process for selecting the product and buying. There are factors that affect the customer behavior in acquiring, consuming and disposing of product. These could be the psychology core, the procedure of decision making, culture in which consumer is present, and the results of consumer. The cultural environment also affects the consumer behavior (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008).

The possible unethical behavior could be:

Use of fur in clothes - it is observed that some customers feel that using a fur in clothes such as the coat is unethical. The fur taken from animal to use in clothes is unethical and consumer considers it unethical.

Consumption without paying- the unethical consumer behavior is consuming something without paying any amount. It could be consumption of soda can in the super market without paying for it.

Using others objects - it is also an unethical consumer behavior to use others object in personal use. For example using long distance calling code which is not yours.

Misinformation - providing wrong information also comes under unethical consumer behavior. Such practices may include providing items to insurance as lost item but actually stolen from somewhere else.

Swapping prices of items - it is also unethical consumer behavior when somebody is swapping prices of items. For example removing or changing price tags from other product on ...
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