Psychology Of Consumer Behavior

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Psychology of Consumer Behavior

Psychology of Consumer Behavior

Measuring consumer behaviour and building a consumer behaviour survey requires at least a basic knowledge of the literature, combined with our own experiences. This brief tutorial provides such an introduction to the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of consumer behaviour research. Effective marketing focuses on two activities: retaining existing customers and adding new customers. Customer consumer behaviour measures are critical to any product or service company because customer consumer behaviour is a strong predictor of customer retention, customer loyalty and product repurchase. (Storbacka, 2000)

Consumer behaviour measures involve three psychological elements for evaluation of the product or service experience: cognitive (thinking/evaluation), affective (emotional-feeling/like-dislike) and behavioral (current/future actions). Customer consumer behaviour usually leads to customer loyalty and product repurchase. But measuring consumer behaviour is not the same as measuring loyalty. Consumer behaviour measurement questions typically include items like:

1. An overall consumer behaviour measure (emotional):

Overall, how satisfied are you with "Yoni fresh yogurt"?

Consumer behaviour is a result of a product related experience and this question reflects the overall opinion of a consumer consumer behaviour's experience with the product's performance. Note that it is meaningful to measure attitudes towards a product that a consumer consumer behaviour has never used, but not consumer behaviour for a product or brand that has never been used.

2. A loyalty measure (affective, behavioral): Would you recommend "Yoni" to your family and friends?

3. A series of attribute consumer behaviour measures (affective and cognitive): How satisfied are us with the "taste" of Yoni fresh yogurt?

How important is "taste" to us in selecting Yoni fresh yogurt?

Consumer behaviour and attitude are closely related concepts. The psychological concepts of attitude and consumer behaviour may both be defined as the evaluation of an object and the individual's relationship to it. The distinction is ...
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