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Research Papers on Biology

Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms. It is further divided into botany and zoology. Students of biology are likely to be asked to submit biology research papers when they are at higher levels of school or college. Therefore, Researchomatic has provided a platform from where students can easily get access to thousands of biology research papers.

Sustainable Farming
Sustainable Farming Sustainable Farming Introduction In present times, the conception of “sustainability” in the field of farming includes a greatly extensive variety of problems compared to its previous time period, additionally restricted, and constricted scientific explanation, in short, three fundamental factors could be observed as significant to the agenda of sustainability in its ...
Biology Article Review
Biology Article review Biology Article review Title: Feeding and Fuelling the Future Source: Australasian Science, 32. 10 (Dec 2011): 20-22. Control Publications Pty Ltd. Author: Thomas Faunce Institution of Author: Prof Thomas Faunce is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the Australian National University. Statement This article is a commentary over the nanotechnology and synthetic ...
Pathophysiology Of Muscles
Pathophysiology of Muscles Introduction The paper strives to understand the pathophysiology of muscles. The aims to describe the progressive pathophysiology of muscular dystrophies in terms of muscle cell chemistry, membrane transport, and symptomatic tissue changes. Further, it develops a case study on a person who has suffered from frostbite. Lastly, the paper ...
Smallpox Smallpox Introduction Traces of smallpox can be seen as far back as approximately 10,000 BC. Close examination of the mummified body of Ramses V, Pharaoh of Egypt, show signs of pustule rashes. The diseases is also credited for taking the lives of approximately 400,000 Europeans during the 18th century, of ...
Bacullis Anthracis/ Anthrax
Bacullis Anthracis/ Anthrax Bacullis Anthracis/ Anthrax Introduction Bacillus anthracis is related to Bacillus cereus, Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus pseudomycoides, Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus weihenstephanensis. These six species have strong genetic similarities (homologies DNA - DNA sequence homologies of 16S and 23S rRNA, sequence homologies of the 16S rDNA intergenic spacer-23S rDNA) and are ...
Hepatitis B Virus
Hepatitis B Virus Introduction Hepatitis B (HBV) is one of six viruses which cause hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Formerly known as post-transfusion or serum hepatitis, HBV is transmitted through infected blood and other body fluids, rather than by food or casual contact. Infection can cause acute disease, with ...
Clostridium Difficile (Cdif) Infections
Clostridium difficile (CDIF) Infections Clostridium difficile (CDIF) Infections Introduction Clostridium difficile is also known as C. difficile or C.diff. Being a pathogenic bacterium it can cause illness in humans and animals both. It is a species of Gram positive bacteria of the genus Clostridium. It is the cause of severe diarrhea and other ...
Epigenetics And Pain Management
Epigenetics and Pain Management Abstract The research paper discusses the concept of epigenetic in pain management. Recently, much research has been conducted on the utility of the epigenetic drugs to treat the chronic pain. This research highlights the major scholarly work in support of this concept and analyzes how the epigenetic is ...
Vitamin C And Common Cold
Vitamin C and common cold Abstract Vitamin C has been reputed as the best remedy of common cold in the past but the ability of vitamin C to cure the common cold has been questioned and argued since its discovery. People are used to vitamin C due to the perception that it ...
Bioethics Relationships And Common Good
Bioethics Relationships and Common Good Bioethics Relationships and Common Good Introduction In the United States, care for health and medicine extensively have been subjects of ethical apprehension and argument. In the present day, it is usual acquaintance that various Americans have dearth of indemnity and consequently contact to the required management, that the ...
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