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Research Papers on Biology

Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms. It is further divided into botany and zoology. Students of biology are likely to be asked to submit biology research papers when they are at higher levels of school or college. Therefore, Researchomatic has provided a platform from where students can easily get access to thousands of biology research papers.

Does Nitrogen Affect Plant Growth
Does Nitrogen Affect Plant Growth Does Introduction The common garden bean, which is often known as the common garden beans, could be in both forms, i.e. colors except green and string less. But there is a bean in green color that every person identifies as the vegetable that is one among the ...
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that is diagnosed. Smoking is one of the primary causes of this form of cancer and it causes loss to several lives every year. According to the article “Lung cancer patients who quit smoking double their survival ...
Urine System
Urine System The urinary system consists of the urinary organs, and is often studied in combination with the reproductive system, including the genitals. These bodies are often considered together because they are located in the same region of the body and they share a number of features. The urinary tract is ...
Cath — A Hierarchic Classification Of Protein Domain Structures
CATH — a hierarchic classification of protein domain structures CATH — a hierarchic classification of protein domain structures Problem Statement Because, lots of series made out by the variety of projects of genome amplifies at an out of the ordinary ratio, it turns out to be equally obligatory to make the methods better ...
Abstract A process based on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, in particular the concept of “survival of the fittest.” Organisms or entities that are the most effective and efficient at adapting to their environ ment earn the most prolonged existence. The level of success an organism has in adapting to the ...
Critical Review
CRITICAL REVIEW Critical Review Critical Review Name of Organism The organism studied in this article is the Polypterus senegalus, a fish that has a unique set of scales that helps protect it against bites from predators. These scales are light weight but at the same time effective protection. Aspects suitable for Biomimicry By studying the scales ...
What Is Life?
What is Life? What is Life? Q 1: How the source helped me better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments? An experiment is a procedure that is to verify (confirm or verify) one or more hypotheses related to a particular phenomenon by manipulating the variables, which are ...
VASECTOMY Vasectomy Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of vasectomy in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on vasectomy and its relation with clinical practices and its affects. The research also analyzes many aspects of vasectomy and tries to gauge its effect on men's productive ...
Mosquito-Borne Diseases
MOSQUITO-BORNE DISEASES "Transmission of Aedes mosquitoes-Borne Diseases by Introduced Established species: A case study of dengue fever” "Transmission of Aedes mosquitoes-Borne Diseases by Introduced Established species: A case study of dengue fever” Introduction Mosquitos can cause significant harm by the transmission of certain diseases to human beings.According to World Health Organization there has been ...
Effect Of Adrenaline, Dexamethasone And Glucagon On Plasma Glucose & Insulin
Effect of Adrenaline, Dexamethasone and Glucagon On Plasma Glucose & Insulin Introduction Results & Graphs Results in Table 1 show a relatively consistent plasma glucose and insulin over the examined period of time in the subjects injected with saline. Table 1: Effect of saline on plasma glucose and insulin Sheep No 6033   Sheep No 6003     Averages   Weight 49   Weight 38   Weight 43.5   Time Glucose Insulin Time Glucose Insulin Time Glucose Insulin 0 5.4 2.07 0 4.2 1.23 0 4.8 1.65 2 NA NA 2 3.5 1.14 2 3.5 1.14 5 6.3 0.30 5 4.3 1 5 5.3 0.65 10 5.6 0.19 10 4.2 1.31 10 4.9 0.75 15 6.3 1.30 15 4.1 1.59 15 5.2 1.44 20 6.2 1.74 20 4.1 0.78 20 5.15 1.26 30 6.5 1.61 30 4.1 1.1 30 5.3 1.36 45 6.5 2.15 45 4.4 1.41 45 5.45 1.78 60 6.5 3.93 60 4.2 1.64 60 5.35 2.78 90 6.2 1.90 90 4.2 1.9 90 5.2 1.90 120 6 1.77 120 4.2 0.84 120 5.1 1.30 Glucose levels doubled ...
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