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Assignment on Nursing

The field of nursing not only encompasses the practices involved in medicine but also includes the art of care taking. A nursing assignment therefore needs critical analysis of a host of topics and sub specialties. Researchomatic provides an authentic collection of nursing assignments for its users to assist them in understanding the practices involved in nursing. The assignments focus on the philosophy of nursing and on other theories surrounding this domain.

Multi-System Failure
MULTI-SYSTEM FAILURE Multi-System Failure Multi-System Failure Introduction Multi-system failure means the progressive failure of two or more organ systems, resulting from acute, severe illnesses or injuries (i.e., sepsis, systemic inflammatory response, trauma, and burns) and mediated by the body's inability to activate its defense mechanisms (Blakeley, 2007). This paper examines the case ...
CHEST-TUBE Chest Tube Symptoms of a Chest Tube Lungs have potential space around them, and the space is called the pleural cavity. Negative pressure maintains the pleural cavity, in normal conditions. This pressure is important for making sure that lungs expand with deep inspiration. When chylothorax, pyothorax, hemothorax or pniumothorax gathers in the ...
Informatics And Nursing
Informatics and Nursing Informatics and Nursing Introduction Nursing informatics is a specialty inside the meadow of health informatics, in which individuals that encompass a degree of nursing are incorporated in the execution of a computer application in a hospice, public health clinics, doctor's office, nursing home, or additional health care setting. Informatics of ...
War Against Female Genital Mutilation
War against Female Genital Mutilation War against Female Genital Mutilation Introduction WeSpark is aimed at improving the quality of life for cancer patients, their families and friends. The main purpose of its existence is to heal the mind, soul and body of those who are suffering chronic pain of cancer. The person ...
Nursing Knowledge
Nursing Knowledge Nursing Knowledge Narrative Morning shifts customarily includes showering patients, making beds, medication and breakfast. This is performed every day during the morning shift which helps me to feel like a nurse. I perform all the duties needed to take care of patients. Once these issues get settled after lunch, I ...
Case Study
CASE STUDY Interprofessional Case Study IPL1 Case Study Review Question 1 Explain how common skills (e.g. communication and values attitudes and beliefs) can ensure good interprofessional practice for Larry and his wider family. Whenever an individual suffer from any illness he or she relies on health service providers. Various members of the health ...
Health Insurance Plans
Health Insurance Plans Health Insurance Plans In the present times, US economy is facing two fold challenges; they must find a suitable way to cover all their people and secondly they must determine a way to get the best return from US$2 Trillion spent on health system. In the presence of ...
CANCER Carotid rupture management for Head and Neck cancer patient in Terminal care [Name of Student] Carotid rupture management for Head and Neck cancer patient in Terminal care Introduction I work in an oncology ward (in a hospital) for different type of cancer patients including head and neck cancers. After a recent incidence of ...
Incidence And Prevalence In Autism
INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE IN AUTISM Incidence and prevalence in Autism Abstract The topic under study is “Incidence and prevalence in Austim”. The importance of studying this condition is its sensitive nature. Austim disorder is commonly found in children from 1 to 3 years of age. The discussion highlights the symptoms and possible treatment. Moreover, incidence ...
Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity Introduction In the last twenty years, the prevalence of obesity in children has risen sharply, especially in more developed countries. The increase is explained primarily by the poor food (worse in our country by the economic crisis) and a sedentary lifestyle, but also by the presence of conflicting ...
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