Incidence And Prevalence In Autism

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Incidence and prevalence in Autism


The topic under study is “Incidence and prevalence in Austim”. The importance of studying this condition is its sensitive nature. Austim disorder is commonly found in children from 1 to 3 years of age. The discussion highlights the symptoms and possible treatment. Moreover, incidence and prevalence in Austim according to a resource person and ages that are affected are also part of the report.

Incidence and Prevalence in Autism


The paper provides a critical understanding of Incidence and prevalence in Autism from the resource person point of view as well as, from professional references. The Resource person contacted for this purpose was a Psychiatrist at a local hospital. The paper discusses about Austim, its signs and symptoms, Incidence and prevalence, importance of studying and treatments for this condition. Lastly, conclusion summarizes the whole discussion.


Autism is a condition that caused by disability in development, usually during first three years of life. It affects the nervous system of a child. It has been reported in adolescent development. It is a major psychiatric pathology and increased epileptic syndrome. The behavioral characteristics of the autistic person cause great impact on parents and family. The treatment should take into account earlier in life. One of the best ways is to establish a program according to the child's developmental profile. There are several models of rehabilitation, behavior and, methods derived from the TEACCH method which is very similar to the PECS (technique based on the theory of mind) and circular game that focuses on Greenspan and sensory integration. These models should be administered early and intensively. In older children and higher intellectual level, careful integration methods and regulations can be implemented to suit the regular education (Tsuang & Tohen, 2002). The inclusion in a child will depend on the educational system, the qualities of a family and the level of resources in different areas.

Ages Affected

Usually children from 1 to 3 years of age are mostly affected from this disorder. The disorder is found more in men than girls. An estimated boy to girl ratio is 5: 1.Incidence and prevalence in Austim

Incidence is defined as the number of new cases of a disease or disorder that develop in a population over a period. There are two types of measures of incidence: cumulative incidence and incidence rate, also known as incidence density (Harper, 1991). Prevalence and Incidence concepts in turn are closely related. The prevalence depends on the incidence and duration of the disease. If the incidence of disease is low, but those affected have the disease for a long period, the proportion of people who have the disease at any given time may be high relative to their incidence. Conversely, if the incidence is high and the duration is short, either because they will quickly recover or die, the prevalence may be low in relation to the incidence of this pathology (Harper, 1991). Therefore, changes in prevalence from one moment to another may be the result of changes in incidence, changes in the duration of the disease or both.

The Psychiatrist contacted at the national hospital uses an interesting comparison for ...