Advertisement Recruitment

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Advertisement as a Method of Recruitment

Advertisement as a Method of Recruitment


The topic of the paper is advertising as a method of Recruitment. The literature provides the extensive overview of the types of advertisement used in Recruitment. It also presents the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of advertisement.

Recruitment Process

Recruitment is a process of providing potential applicants for jobs to the organization. As the job applicant market becomes more competitive and diverse, organizations are using several strategies and methods to develop a pool of candidates. Recruitment process depends on the choice of methods and strategies to attract relevant candidates and choose the best one from them. There are several methods of recruiting the potential candidates for the job vacancy (Torrington, 2008, p. 72-83). Two broad categories of Recruitment are Internal and External Recruitment. Advertising is one of the methods of Recruitment.

Literature Review

Advertising is one of the oldest ways of recruitment. It falls under the category of external recruitment (Torrington, 2008, p. 77-83). Advertising plays a very prominent role in attracting the required pool of candidates (Johansen, 2007, p. 3A-1). The key to recruitment advertising is to identify the right time and place for placement of ads (Tanke, 2001, p. 96). One of the main functions of advertisement, in recruitment, is too aware the potential candidates about the organization. Employers need to make their organization familiar among public because high level of familiarity leads to high level of attractiveness (Johansen, 2007, p. 3A-3).

As the job market is highly competitive in terms of available skills, advertising the job vacancy helps an organization to attract best candidates for the vacancy (Tanke, 2001, p. 96). The organization need to identify the medium to advertise their job post.

One of the categories of recruitment is external recruitment. This involves looking for a pool of candidate from outside sources. The formal way of external recruitment includes placing the job advertisement on television, radio, newspaper, magazines, professional trade journals and E-recruitment (Martin & Jackson, 2008). Organization must ensure that the content of the ad is appropriate, correct, justifiable and legal (Pieters, 1996, 132).

Advertisement is considered to be a Company-dependent source of recruitment as the company has control over it. Through this source company can directly communicate the message of job vacancy to the right candidate (Handy, 1999). Although there are many sources to advertise a job post, the best way is to use all the possible sources to get the best results (Kleiman, n.d., p. 9). It is important for a job post to have the reason why one must apply to that post, and what actually the post requires from the candidates (Kleiman, n.d., p. 10).

Advertisements can vary depending on the type of vacancy. It can vary from help wanted ads to highly extensive multimedia campaigns. Help wanted ads may include traditional ways for the applicants to reply or a URL to post the application (Gusdorf, n.d., p. 5).

Advertisement as a Method of Recruitment - A Text Book Based Comparison

Torrington and other co-author's book, Human ...
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