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E-recruitment is the process of selection of candidates, recruitment finalized, implemented via online services, especially the Internet. The entrance of ICT in work, in fact, has affected the business, as a result of processes of globalization, they have faced a volatile market and hard to control (Ferner, 2010, 20-35). In light of these developments, we see several changes in management and organizational models adopted by companies. They have transferred many of their processes online to implement the speed by which candidates can be found (Bartol, 2003, p. 30-40). The process usually takes advantage of the use of structured online sites for publishing classified advertisements. In recent years, e-recruitment has experienced strong growth throughout the world. With the use of database technology, message boards for job advertisements and search engines, employers can now place ads with a timely first impossible (Wuttke, 2009, pp. 20-35). In terms of Human Resources Management, the Internet has radically changed the function of recruiting from the point of organizationally and those seeking employment (Armstrong, 2008, pp. 202-215). Conventional methods for the process of recruitment are known for being “time consuming”, with high costs and limited research from the geographical point of view.


In a job market become more flexible, companies rely on their management solutions for applications and resumes to make a difference. The majority of American companies use Internet job boards, where the budgets have been reduced in view of the financial crisis. This fact implies that there should be investment in the optimization of the used web media (Cushway, 2011, pp.180-191).

Furthermore, most HR professionals with the performance of many job boards are not satisfied. Nevertheless takes place here any rethinking in order to change the processes and to improve: Most companies do not change their online strategy to make its staff do not target the online employee search further, or use the possibilities of web-based analysis of data (e.g., application rate of return per job market, access statistics on ads, etc.) (Wuttke, 2009, pp. 20-35). SEO and SEM are currently playing in the American recruiting a minor role, it would be possible to suggest that even in the land of the SEO gurus will rely more on these methods (Kerrin & Kettley, 2003, pp. 23-37).

Finally, nearly 80 percent of respondents say from that they make the publication of the advertisement, your team does not hold for specialized enough to do this job well. Just a few outsource the “media buying” and the ad posting on an external provider (Cushway, 2011, pp.180-191).

There are numerous sources of recruitment sources available and the most important are:

Current employees or internal competition: is to inform current employees about the availability of posts before attempting to recruit from other sources. However internal promotion automatically creates another vacancy to be occupied

References to current employees: current employees will obtain references from others who want to apply for the position.

Former employees: is to recruit employees who have previously worked for the organization. The employer already has experience with these people, this ...
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