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People Management, Recruitment & Selection

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People Management, Recruitment & Selection

People Management, Recruitment & Selection


In this paper we are going to discuss the pertinent details about management, recruitment and selection of people. Today, approximately all the organizations are focused towards effective human resources. We are going to describe in detail about the recruitment and selection process which includes external and internal recruiting. Moreover the selection process with a suitable practical example of human resource practices in the organization.


The recruitment and selection process

Human resource planning is the first step in the process which includes planning by the human resource professionals for the potential employee keeping in view the job description and the key requirements of the job. Planning is very much necessary in order to keep in mind the perfect profile for the job i.e. based on that criteria the potential employee's will be assessed. Without planning the criteria may not be set. During such planning, all the terms and conditions are also considered which need to be set for effective and efficient implication of the processes during work (Gunnigle, 2011).

The pre recruitment job analysis involves analyzing the job specific advertisement responses, internal/external sourcing, application forms or curriculum vitas. This step ends when the potential candidates are short listed from the pool of applications received (Gunnigle, 2011).

Then the phase of recruitment and selection comes where the candidate is assessed on its skills. It includes different selection tests such as IQ, physical fitness, job specific expertise, technical skills and other job related tests depending on the organization. All it is done in the assessment centers including the psychometric tests and proper interviews (Gunnigle, 2011).

After going through all the phases of the process the last step is induction of the employee to the organization. When an employee is inducted to the organization he is then trained and oriented towards the work related procedures and on the job training is provided so to get efficient work from him (Gunnigle, 2011).

Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment is nothing but giving promotions to the existing employees and filling the best possible employee for a particular post from inside the organization. The success of an organization is based on the efficient work of the employees and their commitment towards job. All the employees are provided with a job description and how well they perform, sets the target to achieve the goals and objectives of that organization (IDS, 2003).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting

Like everything internal recruiting has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include, a factor of motivation, quick implementation and inexpensive. It is correct that internal recruiting may play a vital role towards motivating the employees as they have the job specific targets which they may achieve to get a certain rank. It may differ from organization to organization. Moreover, it is quick in its implementation because the company officials know the working capabilities of that particular person and very well know how much he is capable of maintaining that new job role assigned to him after his ...
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