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Advanced Research Methods for Psychology

Advanced Research Methods for Psychology


The critical analysis of already conducted researches is important to cross check their credibility and reliability. However, an analyst should follow the parameters set for analyzing research articles for appropriately analyzing the order. Similarly, this study aim to analyze a research conducted by Robert Grieve and Aileen Williams which investigated the young children's perception of danger. The research article was published in 1985 by The British Psychological Society, analyzed one of the leading cause of childhood mortality and morbidity.


The aim of the study conducted by Robert Grieve and Aileen Williams was to identify the abilities of 3 to 6 years old children to recognize the danger that leads to accidents during childhood. These dangers includes but not limited to accidents involving scalds, accidental falls, cuts, burns, drowning, electrocution, laceration and others. The researchers has also considered the effects of age difference, sex impact and socio-economic background influence on the results of the study, to observe which of these factors influence the children to recognize and identify the state of danger (Grieve and Williams, 1985).

The main focus of the study remains at identifying the perception of young children 3 to 6 years regarding gender, which is the testing of a new phenomenon. Thus, the researchers had use field research technique, in which they reach to the subjects to document their responses. The research was conducted on children of affluent suburb of Perth, Australia. While identifying the gravity of the subject under study, the researchers has mentioned the facts that on average accidents of children and its aftermaths are causing around two to four hundred Australian Dollars. The researchers also raise the fact that in almost every industrial nation, the costs of childhood accidents were similar or higher (Grieve and Williams, 1985). This study is mainly related to identify the ability of children to perceive dangers, because its end results are increase in childhood accidents. These involve external causes of childhood accidents such as ingestion of drugs, being knocked down by a car, electrocution, drowning, cuts and lacerations from sharp objects, snake bite, burns and scalds, and accidental falls.

The author has examined the perception of children by utilizing 12 most dangerous states on a page with three non-dangerous images. The dangerous illustrations on the page include the items, like “Axe” in which a baby is crawling up behind a man chopping wood with an axe; capsules in this image a baby crawling in the direction of reaching for capsules spilled from an overturned open container on the floor; “Climbing” in which a child climbing up on a stool and reaching up to a high cupboard, in the “Fire” image a child is shown reaching to unprotected fire place. In the image showing “Matches” danger, a girl lighting a match held in front of her face has been shown; “Pool” also pose a great danger to the child and the researchers has shown an image in which a toddler jumping into ...
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