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Advanced Research Method

Advanced Research Method


The most common form of violence which prevails in every society in the world is Domestic violence. It shows the instability and gender relations between men and women based on the institution of marriage. Most recently it has become a significant issue which has grabbed attention of public, political and academic audience. At the social level, it involves ideological beliefs and institutional policies and practices. At the individual level, it involves personal attitudes and prejudices as well as individual behavior and conventions of daily life.

Significance of the Problem

Domestic violence is the physical threat or action that causes physical harm to the person. It is violence within the couple. Domestic violence comes under the category of human suffering caused due to the internal or domestic problems. The blood relations, marriage and the extended relations of a person are affected due to discrimination, physical harm, violence, sexual abuse and psychological abuse. It is an evolutionary process, in which a partner dominates the other partner, and misuses his or her power through physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or spiritual aggression or abuse. Domestic abuses can be classified as; physical abuse (e.g., hitting the victim, physically restraining the victim, breaking objects, physical acts against others); sexual abuse (e.g., rape, unwanted touching); verbal, psychological, and emotional abuse (e.g., swearing, ethnic slurs, insults, playing “mind games,” isolating victim from friends and family); financial abuse (e.g., running up debt in the victim's name, barring victim access from money, not allowing a victim to work); and threatening acts against victims and others, most notably the children, family members, and pets.

Define Domestic violence as National Problem

Domestic violence is often seen as a personal and family problem. However, this violence has a direct impact on society. On the whole, culture of different families of the community reflects and shapes the norms and values of society. Therefore, domestic violence is often seen in uneducated families, who discriminate on the basis of gender. The third world nations of the world often face this problem due to ignorance, male-domination in the society, and imbalance of power. Moreover, they consider this issue as their private and domestic matter (Family Violence Prevention Fund, p. 4). Therefore, I will reinforce the point that domestic violence is a national issue and not the domestic issue. I will use the tag line that “Reducing domestic violence is everyone's business”.


Domestic violence is an abuse which manifests itself when a spouse or a family member violates another physically or psychologically. The term domestic violence is normally used for violence between husband and wife but also encompasses live-in relationships and other members of families who live together. Domestic violence is synonymous with domestic abuse. Domestic violence is common all over the world in all cultures, classes and ages. Violence can take place between men and women, people of same sex or people of different ages like between child and adult ,elderly and youth and vice versa. Domestic violence can occur in many forms and take many ...
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