Advance Training Methods

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Advance training methods

Advance training methods


The purpose of this research paper is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures related to Advance training methods. Advance training methods for muscle hypertrophy can be enhanced by mixing up training to ensure that the person is working his or her muscles differently and ensuring the stimulation of muscles to enhance their growth. You may have come to a plateau in your strength gains and muscle development and these training principles will really help your progression. In the next section, we will examine the four methods of advance training, together, with the pros and cons related to each of the method.

Discussion & Analysis

Super Sets

Superset weight training, in some circles, is considered to be an advanced weight training method, since it is used primarily in body building. People care about is saving time in workouts and boosting metabolism, which is why they use superset techniques. In fact, the entire weight training workout, once finish cardio, is one big superset, sometimes referred to as giant sets (Dutton, 2005).

The basic principle behind super setting is two sets back to back with no rest in between. To add to this, there are tri-sets, which is 3 sets back to back and giant sets, as mentioned above, that are more than 3 sets back to back. Super setting can be very intense depending on how heavy the weights are, as well as how many reps are in the sets. This is why super setting could be considered advanced weight training; however, when you lighten the weight and lessen the reps to suit your fitness level anyone can do superset techniques. In time, you can increase the level of intensity as level of fitness progresses (Bordo, 2009).

To diversify supersets one can work muscle groups in a couple of different ways. The favorite way to superset is to work opposing muscle groups, so that while a muscle group is resting the other is working. For example, the back and chest are two separate muscle groups and to superset them you first do a set of chest presses and immediately following do lat pull downs or vice versa. When you want to superset same muscle groups you simply do another set that works the same muscle group. An example of this for the back would be a combination of lat pull downs followed by seated back rows or possibly dumbbell bent over rows. Basically, superset techniques are limitless when it comes to diversifying a workout. You can superset upper body and lower body or any combination you want, creating muscle confusion (Bederman, 2005).

Forced Reps

A properly performed set of forced reps can be a great way to extend a set and make an exercise harder. It is performed like this: The bench presser performs eight reps. by himself. By the time his arms finally straighten out on that last rep, it should be abundantly clear that he is struggling, and that the likelihood of another ...
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