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Purpose of service

we are seeking tenders from organisations to deliver specific training at an advanced level for early years and childcare providers (groups and individuals) wishing to extend their knowledge , skills and understanding of all themes and commitments within the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Information sharing and confidentiality protocols

All the participants in this training are ware of this fact that they have the authority for the grant permission and they can refuse to give any personal information about the child. We will provide all the participants with a policy book that contains all the required information regarding breach of confidentiality and what actions are taken in case of any breach of confidentiality.

•Equal opportunities

In the provided training all the participants have the same opportunity to avail all the facilities in the training session.

•Codes of conduct

There should be a guidance section that makes familiar all the participants with rules and regulations and what professional behaviour we are expecting from them.

Scope of service

We are seeking to engage one or a number of organisations to provide specific and comprehensive training in the four themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage namely;

A Unique Child

Positive Relationships

Enabling Environments

Learning and Development

As well as the mandatory training, as determined by Ofsted the regulator

Key aims of this training

The key aims of this training would be;

To ensure that all participants have sound and demonstrable knowledge and understanding of the four themes and commitments of EYFS

to ensure that participants have a clear plan to continually improve the implementation and delivery of EYFS in their respective settings

to ensure that the training is offered to all sectors equitably

That learning opportunities and resources are appropriate, relevant and of high quality and delivered in a format suitable to a wide cross section of early years and childcare providers.

to contribute to the continuous quality improvement of early years and childcare settings

Tendering process and evaluation Method:

The following evaluation methods are going to be used in the provided training session:

Typically, a systematic approach to training often includes four stages, as mentioned by Santos & Stuart (2003), "identifying needs, planning, delivery, and evaluation. The evaluation stage is arguably the most problematic part of the training process" (p. 28). Usually, evaluation training data typically can be used to: provide feedback on whether the training or development activity is effective in achieving its aims; indicate the extent to which trainees apply what they have learned back in the workplace (transfer of training); provide information on how to increase the effectiveness of current or later training activities, and demonstrate the overall value and worth of those training activities developed.

Training Evaluation Models

Many contributions to evaluation of training, in both economics and HRD have been made from the literature ofthe 50s. Donovan & Hannigan (1999) state: Evaluation of training approaches have been positivist in nature, attempting to establish causation between the independent variable (training) and the dependent variable (some organizational good or outcome). However, because there are so many intervening variables between the training and the outcome, positivist approaches ...
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