Over the past decades, the best part of the theoretical discussions on sexuality has focused on determining the precise relationship between sex and gender. Psychoanalytic approaches have discussed femininity in relation to the phallus and the mother. Sociology has focused on narratives and lived experiences. The debate seems set to continue. Yet the challenge today lies not in determining the precise relationship of sex and gender but in integrating theories, elaborating 'frameworks that allow more complex analyses of the dynamic, historically and socially specific relationship between sexuality and gender, as well as the gendered and sexualised nature of their interconnection.
In view of this challenge, Richardson proposes the metaphor 'patterned fluidities', Sociology has traditionally been interested in theories as a reflection of social issues or how we experience society as feeling. Recently, theorists speak of 'a turn to literature' in sociology, drawing attention to how it can express not just what happened but a state of affairs. Additional arguments are provided: the boundary between fact and fiction is blurred in postmodern culture as it, too, is a social construction. Thus, the term 'midfictions' has also been suggested for socially aware fictional narratives. In any case, literature has always been an integral part of the feminist project. Thus, the construction of feminist tabulations as a strategy for making women's voices heard is far from accomplished or obsolete. To the extent that the three novels are fabulations/midfictions drawing on autobiographical personal or collective experience, I consider them as testimonies of the present, even when they veer into the fantastic, advancing unrealistic and highly symbolic (re)solutions to their problems (Ritzer, 2008,187).
Sociology has traditionally been interested in theories as a reflection of social issues or how we experience society as feeling. Recently, theorists speak of 'a turn to literature' in sociology, drawing attention to how it can express not just what happened but a state of affairs. Additional arguments are provided: the boundary between fact and fiction is blurred in postmodern culture as it, too, is a social construction. Thus, the term 'midfictions' has also been suggested for socially aware fictional narratives. In any case, literature has always been an integral part of the feminist project. Thus, the construction of feminist fabulations as a strategy for making women's voices heard is far from accomplished or obsolete. To the extent that the three novels are fabulations/midfictions drawing on autobiographical personal or collective experience, I consider them as testimonies of the present, even when they veer into the fantastic, advancing unrealistic and highly symbolic (re)solutions to their problems (Ritzer, 2007, 223).
The role of women in Europe is different as well. Females are paid the same in jobs males are paid more here in the USA. They can climb up the career ladder fast if they perform well and almost every woman I know works (Ransome, 2010, 77).
The notion of productive power comes from the Marxist theory. For Marx producing means in the broadest sense, the emergence of ...