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This chapter explores the intersection that sexuality has shaped our society and biological factors. Sexuality is a complex universe in which involved aspects of both biological and social. Sexuality encompasses a range of cultural, social, anatomical, physiological, emotional, and affective and behavior related to sex decisively characterizing human beings at all stages of development. Sexuality is basically the engine of our life since the day we are born until the moment before we die. That is why it is not circumscribed to a physical exchange with another or others, but to an emotional encounter that allows personal integration (Baikie, 2006).

Sexuality is experienced and understood in different ways in the length and breadth of the world according to different cultures, ideals, models of society and education. In addition to the socio-cultural conditioning, keep in mind that sexuality is a dynamic concept that has evolved from the hand of the history of mankind. We cannot box it as static and predictable, but as a whole that involves human life, which evolves throughout history, not just the history in capitals, but also in the personal history of each individual. It accompanies us from cradle to grave, and is shaped to the rhythm of our life experiences, putting his stamp on everything we see, think, feel and live. People express their sexual attraction to others through various forms and aspects: affection, words, and various sexual practices, through possessive behavior (Baikie, 2006). The sexuality of people influenced his psyche, his personal development, and the forms of his social life as well - also influenced by the sexual morality - the entire social structure, so the culture and society, in which he lives. Existing between the man's sexuality and the sexuality of women in part substantial differences, this discrepancy leads to the hetero-sexuality to various coordination problems between the sexes. Consequences of poor adjustment on both sides can also be found in sexual dysfunction reflected in women and men.

The sex is also developing deeper facets of emotion and consciousness of personality. In this connection, many cultures place a religious or spiritual to the sexual act and see this as a method of improving (or lose) health (Brown, 2008).


Human sexuality is the set of behaviors that concern the satisfaction of the need and sexual desire. The human species has a sexual dimorphism that is, there are two separate sexes, male and female are strong differences from birth and others develop during growth. These differences may be related to phenomena of sexual attraction and the reproductive role assigned different each. Although sexual activity is not only playing but also seeks to obtain pleasure, desire is the culmination of a process of attraction or love, but is also associated with frustration or failure of the subject as it may push the violence or become a business. This combination of biological and social factors which are inevitably linked to our life and is responsible for much of our behavior is what we call ...
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