Misconception In Social Deviance With Respect To Sexuality

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Misconception in Social Deviance With Respect To Sexuality

Misconception in Social Deviance With Respect To Sexuality


Social deviance has always existed in society with cultural, ethical and moral norms. It is a phenomena defined as the acknowledged contravention of the cultural norms. The phenomenon is wide ranged and highly volatile. It varies from societies to societies, cultures to cultures (eastern culture opposes boyfriend culture and treats it as taboo where as in western culture the boyfriend mechanism is integrated into socially acceptable norms), people to people (a baby poking nose looks adorable but an adult poking nose looks dishonorable) and last but not the least from situation to situation (laughing in parties is being cheerful but laughing in funerals is being unethical and rude). Depending on the perception of societies and individuals the meaning of social deviance and things related to it might vary.

Either the individual will accept and acknowledge the social norm or will violate it. There are two kinds of social norms: implicit and explicit. Explicit norms are the blend of deviance and conformity in which people behave; they are commands that are not necessarily have to be followed as laws (for instance breaking the speed limit). The norms can depend on situational context (e.g. being amused and happy in any social gathering except the funerals). The document is designed to explore the mechanism of social deviance in regards with the sexual deviance. The content is intended to develop comprehensive understanding depending on the present literature available regarding the popular misconceptions of social deviance in regards with the sexual deviance.


Individuals who are involved in sexual deviance in the community serves as one of the chief cause of problems to everyone. However the sexual deviance still varies from community to community and culture to culture. Eastern culture is very firm about the deviance in sexual context however the western culture is much more flexible in this context. However misconceptions in both the societies occur regarding the sexual deviance phenomena in social terms. Sexual deviance is an intricate subject as deviance and conformity are comparative expressions. To confuse the issue further the description of the expression sexual deviance has changed over the time. Within some of the last few decades there has been remarkable shift in the perception of societies towards accepting some of the behaviors previously considered deviant as normal and acceptable now.

Sexual deviance is the uncharacteristic sexual behavior usually defined in legal, medical and moral terms. Ever since the beginning the term has been a challenging category in regards with its meaning. Prehistoric findings such as pictures, sculptures and texts from the entire world regarding the sexual deviances such as Kamasutra textbooks and overt sexual postures carved in stone in temples of India proves that the brand new approaches being highlighted in modern research on sexual behaviors were commonly acknowledged in medieval cultures widely.

Behaviors related to sexual deviance include sexual victimization e.g. rape cases, sexual abuse, child abuse, homosexuality, Perversion and masochism. These issues will be widely discussed with ...
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