How can Resourcing and Development add value to the modern workplace?
How can Resourcing and Development add value to the modern workplace?
Value creation is a theme that is increasingly gaining interest in various fields of management science: strategic management, corporate finance, accounting /management control, human resource management, and organizational marketing. On professional level, this interest is the origin of much extensive research. On a practical level, the theme of creating value has become the new credo of business leaders. The organizational value creation is at the heart of business and organizations, where it allows the development of activities and employees. It defines the organizational value of a company like quality of its management and operation. Human Resource Management immensely contributes to the creation of organizational value. In Indeed, human capital plays a decisive role in the phenomena, in the construction of an advantage sustainable competitive and can be a lever in the process of adding value (Barnard, M. and Rodgers, p.1019)
This paper discusses that how resourcing and development of an organization can add value to the work place in this modern era. The main focus is on the role of human resource management and its strategies in employing efficient resources and development of those resources that adds value and success to the organization. Further, paper discusses the issues and barriers in resourcing and development of organization that is faced by HRM. It is illustrated in detail with the help of relevant examples.
The human resource management (HRM) is a set of practices of management with the objective of mobilizing and developing human resources for greater performance of the organization. The human resource management can be divided arbitrarily into two broad categories:
On one hand the administration of human resources ( payroll , employment law, employment contract etc.). On the other, the human resource development ( career management , skills management, recruitment (selection), training etc.).
However, The human resources management is responsible for effectively resourcing and developing the organization. Resourcing and development are interlinked with each other, as effective human resource and their development will result in adding value to the modern workplace.
Resourcing and Development
In the wake of modern work place, organizations now claim that they now competing with other organizations based on intellectual or human assets rather than hard assets (Pfeffer and Veiga, p.37).
The phrase 'human resource management' that replaced earlier phrase 'personal management' portrays that the shift in the phrase is due to the shift in the view that employees are now being viewed as resources. The active management of these resources can positively add value to the success of an organization. Human resources are akin to customers, operating systems, financial resources, modern technology. All these elements constitutes a main input for the development of the organization Therefore, human resources shall be managed effectively not just operationally for the short term, but for the long term success. The development of the resources is as important as having efficient resources. Thus, resourcing and development goes hand in hand to add value ...