Strategic Human Resource Development In Gulf Countries

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Strategic human resource development in gulf countries

Strategic human resource development in gulf countries


Although the Gulf nations are oil output reliant in their finances, it appears that the family enterprise constitute the backbone of the finances in these countries. According to Davis, Pitts and Cormier (1997) the family businesses constitute 90% of the dealing undertakings in the Gulf region. This percentage is high relatively. The percentage in the other districts of the world is between 65% and 80%. This kind of businesses, in detail, is expanding in Saudi Arabia. The total number of these businesses had come to 621.4 1000 businesses as asserted by the (SAMA) latest issued statistics.

It has been seen gulf countries are more focusing on the HR development and try to make effective changes in this sector.

Despite their key roles in development finance, human resources remains the main argument for the majority of countries in the Middle East. This article reveals how the Gulf has searched in advance the value combination of capabilities and human resources. Gulf countries to date knowledge, so that other Gulf states. The functions of human resources in national development plans reviewed and approved, that some important tests remain. (Becker 1996 pp.12-15)

It is widely recognized that human development resources is an important component in the development of finance and to attract the changes in financial measures structure.1 Material housing, especially public utilities and the heritage of the life and welfare of society as a whole are determined to be associated with almost human resource development. This is not surprising therefore that it was just anxiety, if not obsession, managers and policy makers in developing countries.

HRD in the Gulf

Politicians and economists generally agree that human resource development is the foundation of process.9 quality of human resources is the most significant sign of the degree of development and should receive appropriate close attention.10 human resource development can be argued to be a very insightful, reliable, and common feature development than any other single component, since it is always essentially the status for all types of growth (Pfeffer, 1994 pp.45-52).

Financial development of the motherland needs both economic and human resources. Financial resources were not a difficulty for countries in the Persian Gulf. Obtaining an adequate degree of skilled workers for the industrialization and financial development, however, is one of the main difficulties that wants to be suppressed in particular through the development of more informative and educational programs.

The vital importance of human resource development for the countries of the Gulf (and any of the oil-producing countries in the Arabian Peninsula) draws from the dilemma, which was conceived blend small community, labor shortages and a lack of trained to work in the face of enormous opportunity to spend a huge development programs and projects. It was inevitable, therefore, that the Gulf countries import a large part is made and unskilled labor required for the development of various sectors of the economy: to raise buildings and roads to run clinics and community services, to build a plant development ...
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