Speaking of the hypothesis, it should be clearly distinguished from the ordinary, the ordinary assumption, because all conjecture, of course, there is speculation, but not every suggestion can be called a hypothesis. Hypothesis is an educated guess in part on the causes, driving forces, the essence (the root properties, patterns of development) of an object (phenomenon, process), which temporarily accepted as true. In other words, a hypothesis - this is partly justified by cash knowledge assumption, the probability of which requires further substantiation, verification, validation (Amaratunga, 2002, 17-31). The hypotheses generated to explain is not yet understood the facts, phenomena, events, and serve the general form of the development of scientific knowledge. The hypothesis appears as an inevitable step, as a result of the accumulation of scientific knowledge (the material).
The theory is the highest form of scientific thinking, logically perfect for their time justifying and reflects the system of interrelated facts (objects, phenomena, etc.) in their essential reality, of regular, general and essential properties. A very short definition of the theory is a system of interrelated ideas (concepts, propositions), proof (theorems, definitions), laws and hypotheses.
The theory has the most complex logical structure, which is understandable: it reflects a complex system and therefore is the element of the theory of everything is already known, previously considered a form of thought, including the hypothesis. It can be identified as elements of the theory of a set of principles (axioms, postulates), laws, definitions (theorems), and the categories to reflect a particular subject area (Easterby, 1991, 96).
Deduction and Induction
As it has been already mentioned that there are two main philosophies used in conducting academic research, therefore, these two philosophies have their own respective approaches deductive approach goes with positivism.
Deductive approach contracts the domains of research emerging them to a single dimension defining pre-scaling of acquiring information. In simple words, it may be defined as in deductive approach hypotheses are formulated and then tested. In contrast, inductive approach keeps the room for changing before concluding the research study. Therefore in inductive approach hypotheses are generated extracting from the open ended form of data collected through systematic methodological trends.
As far as this study is concerned, researcher is employing inductive approach. This study would help us understanding the importance of mega events in terms of bringing revolutionary changes in context of hospitality industry especially when the targeted public is multi-cultural. Every region of hospitality industry represents its own cultural values but in case of heterogeneous audiences multiple transformation are required (Easterby, 1997, 55-65). In addition, the research will also elaborate the implications taken to avoid any imminent threat or err and sorting out the existed issues in the providing the food and accommodation services. In fact, the research will explore all the aspects related corrective measures to be made by the different components of hospitality industry to provide the better and more comfortable environment.
In light of above mentioned factors an inductive approach has been applied in terms of opening the ...