Prompt Pay Act

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Prompt Pay Act

Prompt Pay Act

Answer to Question No. 1

In high school, I was presented to my first accounting class. numbers was habitually my very popular subject, so discovering the basics of accounting was intriguing to me. After being selected as one of the peak three students in my accounting class, I was offered a job at a local levy groundwork company. I was chartered as a accounting clerk. Through my experiences there, I received more information of accounting. Some of the distinct areas in accounting that I learned are bookkeeping, income levy, and payroll accounting. There is not anything better than employed at a job and really enjoying what you do. The business I was employed with moved their enterprise out of the state. For the love of accounting, I decided to proceed back to school.

I registered at the localized town school, where I took payroll accounting, patient billing & accounting, and a bookkeeping class. All three of these categories were very interesting. I had to make up my brain of what field of accounting that I liked to work under. At that time, it actually did not issue to me as long as I could get me another job doing what I loved best. I was chartered at an HMO company. I was chartered as a members & accounting clerk. I stayed with this business for five and a half years. The business amalgamated with another business and my job was put in jeopardy. New management and I could not appear to work together. I left the business and guided off into a different area. I was edge followed for a while. I started in the nursing area, which has its own rewards, yet it was not the area for me. I am now self-employed as a licensed family daycare provider. My goal is to become a declared public accountant.

The summer of 2001, I determined to return to school afresh. I enrolled at Heald enterprise College. whereas my choice of study was computer enterprise management, my interest in accounting was renewed. After graduating from Heald, I started doing some research on accounting, and accounting fields. I started looking at distinct websites. The American organisation of declared Public Accountants (AICPA), the California Board of Accountancy, and the California Society of CPAs. There was so much data to be had; I didn't quite know where to start. I knew one thing had to occur; I had to proceed back to school.

Answer to Question No. 2

After joining The University of Phoenix accounting program, I weighed my choices on which area of accounting I liked to work in. I discovered out that CPA's make a attractive good amount of cash per year. I did a investigation of the Bureau of work Statistics and this is some of the information I found:

1) paid work of accountants and auditors is anticipated to augment about as very quick as the mean for all occupations through the year ...
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