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Gail Wynand is a mighty newspaper mogul who increased from a impoverished childhood in the ghettoes of New York City to command the city's publish media. While Wynand portions numerous of the feature features of Roark, his achievement is reliant upon his proficiency to manipulate public attitude, a flaw which finally directs to his decrease of the love and companionship he really cherished not from brain but heart, for the first time. Rand recounts Wynand as "a man who could have been." It has been speculated that Wynand is partially founded on real-life bulletin tycoon William Randolph Hearst since Hearst himself begun by taking over his father's bulletin and disperse from there. Hearst was furthermore renowned as the dad of the yellow journalism, which Wynand is renowned for in the The Fountainhead. Furthermore, much like Wynand, Hearst had his own illusion dwelling assembled in California, the breakthrough Hearst Castle.

Wynand falls in love with Dominique. Her idealism — an ineradicable devotion to the highest achievements possible to man — is exceptional. Wynand, for all his pandering, retains in his soul a similar undying commitment to man at his noblest and best. He is drawn to Dominique for her best qualities. Dominique goes with Wynand for a cruise on his yacht, the I Do. He proposes marriage to her. Dominique, motivated by the same reason that impelled her to marry Keating, accepts. In effect, she marries more than a man; she marries The New York Banner and every tawdry value it stands for. She becomes "Mrs. Wynand Papers," and will seek to torment her husband for the cheap vulgarity of his journalism — and, above all, for his campaign against the Stoddard Temple.

At the base of his characteristics, Gail Wynand can be said to be a peer of Howard Roark but the ferocity with which Roark stands by his cause is not there in Gail Wynand and after a while he gives up pursuing his cause. His giving up attitude has created havoc in his life and even his wife Dominique, who stood by him when the whole world has deserted him, leaves him.

The problem for Toohey is that Wynand is too observant. Despite the subtlety with which Toohey orchestrates the attempt to advertise The Gallant Gallstone on The Banner, Wynand notices his attempt and immediately puts an end to it. Toohey needs some means to distract Wynand, to shift his attention away from his paper and on to something else. Knowing Wynand's reputation as a womanizer, Toohey seeks to introduce him to Dominique. Toohey hopes that Wynand will be so captivated by Dominique's combination of beauty, charm, and intellect that he will get caught up in a relationship with her, thereby paying less attention to the details of his newspaper. This is the principal reason that he attempts to introduce them. He secretly purchases Mallory's statue of Dominique and gives it to Wynand as a gift. He believes that after Wynand sees it, he will be eager to meet the ...
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