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Plagiarism - the intentional attribution of authorship of another product of science or art, foreign ideas or inventions . Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law and as such may lead to legal liability. On the other hand, plagiarism is possible in areas which are not covered by any of the intellectual property, for example, in mathematics and other basic scientific disciplines.

The most commonly plagiarism is expressed in the publication under the name of another product or another's ideas, as well as fragments of foreign borrowing works without specifying the source of borrowing. Obligatory sign of plagiarism is the appropriation of authorship, as improper use, publication, copying, etc. The work protected by copyright, by itself, is not plagiarism, and other kind of copyright violations , often called "piracy." "Piracy" is plagiarized misuse of the results of intellectual work and assigning authorship publishing entity.

The concept of plagiarism has no well-defined content, and in particular cases is not always possible to clearly separate it from adjacent concepts: imitation, borrowing, co-authorship and other similar cases, similarity of products. In any case, the coincidence of individual ideas is not plagiarism, since any new product in some way based on ideas that do not belong to the author. Meanwhile, a man reaching his mind to something, often tend to consider themselves "Columbus" and the truth, not wanting to know about the predecessors, sees in any repetition of his own thoughts encroachment on their rights.

In fact, the subject of plagiarism is not the idea , and its design, the outer shell. The mass of literary works, is not enclosed in itself is nothing new in content, has, nevertheless, a peculiar form, new shades of expression of thoughts, only the assignment of this deeply personal side of work, may be called plagiarism. Therefore we cannot be considered as plagiarism or borrowing the plot (the plot is borrowed and in many dramas of Shakespeare , and in the tales of Alexei Tolstoy ), or ready-to-use types (artistic technique applied Shchedrin in his Nozdryov and MOLCHALIN), not to mention a new treatment known to World literature characters ( Don Giovanni , Faust ). Likewise not be considered plagiarism summary of work ( essays ), the very essence of which is supposed use of another's data without the self-processing [citation needed 613 days] .

In recent years, new, unprecedented form of borrowing ideas and design products for which there is no definitively established ideas about the presence of plagiarism. One of such forms is the borrowing of plot or the universe of the computer or board games. So, in 2007 in the Russian segment of the Internet has launched a campaign against the released Publishers Book Spirande [2] , which was seen a direct rip-off appeared in the 1998 game series " The Legend of Zelda "for the console Nintendo , the author of the story which is Shigeru Miyamoto . Currently (April 2008), the situation has not reached the legal ...
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