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Plagiarism is a big concern when talking about ethics in an academic environment. With the introduction of the Internet and publications of the World Wide Web is available online and some students use these documents for school work instead of doing research and creating an original essay. This article will discuss the rules, types, and methods to prevent combat and why students plagiarize. The word plagiarism comes from the Greek and Latin for removal and may be defined as the presentation of words and / or ideas belonging to another person as his own work without proper acknowledgment of the source from which the information been obtained. Plagiarism is the use of direct quotations without quotation marks, footnotes or quote sources. Plagiarism has become a serious problem with high school and college students everywhere.

Plagiarism and how to avoid it?

Plagiarism has been around as long as the schools. In the nineties, with the introduction of personal computers and the Internet a new type of plagiarism arose. This new type of plagiarism is known as electronic or cyber-plagiarism. Before the introduction of this new technology, students removed from the libraries and research of various books takes a few ideas from a book and some others, while replacing some of the words of authors with theirs. Today, the problem has worsened. A student can easily connect to the web and testing buy one of the many websites that sell items on any subject of oranges from Florida to the efforts of international affairs. The Internet also allows individuals to simply research subjects with the subject of extensive research and allows the computer to list a number of sources on the subject. Using the Internet can find many articles in books, magazines, periodicals and encyclopedias to add our own ideas and opinions.

Most of the ideas and personal opinions are just that, making it difficult to determine if information found on the Internet is valid. The Internet offers a quick and easy to do research in the last minute to see the likes or simply not taking the time out and research the subject in order to complete the task. Last minute pressure can lead people to copy and paste parts of several articles and books that are, and insert the information in their role as original thoughts.

Accidental plagiarism

Adding students have intentionally plagiarized because of procrastination or laziness, others accidentally plagiarize. Many students plagiarize because of poor research skills. Some students have no knowledge of how to succeed in finding information about him with a traditional library. Some students plan to give credit to the original author, but are confused about how to properly cite sources, which leads to plagiarism. Others do not know the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing.

To paraphrase 1. A reformulation of a text or passage in another form or another, often to clarify meaning. 2. The restatement of texts in other words, as a study or a training (Bombak, ...
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