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China Global Warming Mitigation

China Global Warming Mitigation

Q.no1 Describe mitigation measures that have been implemented to address the disaster that you selected for your country.

China and the United States of America are the foremost emitters of Green House Gas, together accountable for about 35% of global emissions. China has now become alert and started global warming mitigation. Recently, the China has started its work to reduce the climatic change efforts with Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission (BMDRC), specifying enforceable greenhouse gas emission reduction with the help of other countries and communities working for it. It places the onus of emissions reductions on developed, industrialized cities. In addition, it outlines approaches that countries might employ to help them achieve those targets.

The Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee, and the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, The Beijing Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Centre recognizing that naturally occurring phenomena can result in atmospheric cooling (Yardley, Revkin, 2007) Some scientists have proposed counteracting the global warming effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the short term through the application of geo-engineering technologies. Initiatives artificially increase the Earth's albedo include increasing Earth's albedo by floating sturdy chunks of reflective polystyrene in the oceans, injecting sulfur aerosols into the upper troposphere to reflect more solar radiation, manufacturing clouds to increase the Earth's reflectance of solar radiation and enhancing the oceans' carbon dioxide absorptive capacity by encouraging algal blooms with iron fertilization.

However, the feasibility of these suggested mitigations remains highly suspect by virtue of both their limited geographical scope and thus their inability to have a truly global impact or their obvious environmental side effects. Inserting into natural ecosystems any foreign elements, be they artificial ice floes or artificial clouds, could have unpredictable consequences; in addition to the pollution effects.

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