The purpose of hazard mitigation planning is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards. Elbert County and participating jurisdictions developed this multi hazard mitigation plan update to reduce future losses to the County and its communities resulting from natural hazards. The plan was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and to achieve eligibility for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hazard mitigation grant programs. (Moraes et al, 1779-80)
This plan updates Elbert County's portion of the regional 2003 Northeast Colorado Emergency Managers Association Hazard Mitigation Plan, which covered 11 counties in northeast Colorado. This plan is multi-jurisdictional and covers the following local governments that participated in its development:
• Elbert County
• Town of Elizabeth
• Town of Kiowa
• Town of Simla
• Elizabeth Fire Protection District
• Kiowa Fire Protection District
• Rattlesnake Fire Protection District
• Kiowa Conservation District
The Elbert County Office of Emergency Management provided the lead in soliciting the participation of County departments, unincorporated communities, incorporated municipalities, special districts, and other stakeholders to form the Elbert County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee to undertake a comprehensive planning process to update the previously approved regional hazard mitigation plan. Public input on community assets, preferred mitigation strategies, and the overall plan document was also solicited. As a result, this plan represents the work of citizens, elected and appointed officials, and other interested parties in Elbert County. (Solomon, 274-86)
Hazard mitigation is defined by FEMA as “any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from a hazard event.” Mitigation creates safer communities by reducing loss of life and property damage. Hazard mitigation planning is the process through which hazards that threaten communities are identified and profiled, likely impacts of those hazards are assessed, and mitigation strategies to lessen those impacts are identified, prioritized, and implemented. (Rinaldi, 56-65) The results of a three-year, congressionally mandated independent study to assess future savings from mitigation activities provides evidence that mitigation activities are highly cost-effective. On average, each dollar spent on mitigation saves society an average of $4 in avoided future losses in addition to saving lives and preventing injuries (National Institute of Building Science Multi-Hazard Mitigation Council 2005). This plan demonstrates the communities' commitment to reducing risks from hazards and serves as a tool to help decision makers direct and coordinate mitigation activities and resources, including local land use policies...This provides information on the purpose and participating jurisdictions in the Elbert County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, describes federal hazard mitigation planning requirements and grant programs, and lists an outline of the plan's organization. (Gregory, 717-735)
Risk from natural hazards is a combination of hazard and vulnerability. The risk assessment process measures the potential loss to a community, including loss of life, personal injury, property damage and economic injury resulting from a hazard event. The risk assessment process allows a community to better understand their potential risk and associated vulnerability to natural hazards. This information provides the framework for am community ...