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Spring and All
In many of the ways, "spring and all" is a beautiful William Carlos William's poem. It is a small and very attractive poem with the simple pictures to describe the message clearly and accurately. You must have heard about the number of poems written by William Carlos and they are all very interesting. This poem is very simple in words that any of the reader can clearly get the idea that what is the direction and idea of the writer.
Critical Review
Williams completed his experience with new technologies in terms of weight and poetic rhythm, as well as in terms of vision; and highly appreciated by many critics of the Williams doctrine invented a new poetic and unique in that period based on the conditions of daily life and experience the general public. Spread the impact and Williams's poetic slowly through the twenties and thirties of the last century, and the noise this popular series (The Waste Land) Eliot for timely impact on the Williams beyond the spotlight. It began with "infectious hospital", it is clear from the language of that with, not because of infectious disease hospitals, but it is itself a disease, in this depressing landscape (Colgan, 2009 in all of the current state). Williams, in the whole poem can be seen as a response to the world from poverty and disease garbage bin, he found a lot of doctors. Williams explained the desert, cold, dirt, and dead plants, give it a striking beauty, however. Surprisingly, by reading this poem the reader understands that the poet, though, wrote that he secretly in love in a very harsh way, with him to see. "Offer, bifurcation, it is worth twiggy / pictures from the bushes and small trees" means not subject background, but because of their worth studying, as a part of nature (Strauss, 2004), East and West.
In addition to Spring Awakening and all of his expressions in the near future, the natural expression of it, stating back to the poem. Even though this poem has a structure implies sloppy spring season, when everything changed into something ...