Leadership Management

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Leadership Management

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Leadership Management

Section 1: My Leadership Traits and Competencies

Leadership in Public sector

Bringing about organizational transformation as a government manager may seem like an impossible task at times, but some leaders have succeeded spectacularly. The articles and links on this page were carefully selected for their direct relevance to leadership and management in the public sector. Some are actual success stories, while others outline principles of leadership--or leadership development--that have worked exceptionally well in the government context.

The 3Cs of Leadership Development - Part II: Competency

Lists of competencies (like the Executive Core Competencies) are hard to remember and generally fail to acknowledge that some competencies are more important than others. Drawing on insights from his 35 years of government service and his 13 additional years as a teacher, coach and mentor to public sector leaders, Ray Blunt provides us with an excellent overview of the most important things that effective public leaders do.

The Successes of Leaders

The trappings of success tend to motivate many people to aspire to positions of leadership. But what if you get there and don't like all the baggage that comes with such "success?" Ray Blunt explores this issue in this column for GovLeaders.org.

The Failures of Leaders

Highly successful leaders are at risk for developing hubris, which in turn can lead them to failure of varying degrees. In this column for GovLeaders.org, Ray Blunt discusses this cycle, how it happens, and how was can use reflection, self-awareness and mentors to maintain our humility and prevent hubris from taking hold.

Making the Most of Developmental Assignments

Research by the Center for Creative Leadership indicates that varied and challenging assignments represent the single greatest source of leadership learning. In this Q&A with GovLeaders.org, author Cynthia McCauley (Developmental Assignments: Creating Learning Experiences without Changing Jobs) discusses several different types of developmental assignments, how to get them, and how to ensure they are truly developmental.

On a Mission

Public service is a high calling. So why don't more of us have a clear picture as to what it is we have been called to do? In his latest column for GovLeaders.org, Ray Blunt walks us through the process of developing a life mission statement.

Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer

Throughout history there have been leaders who made disastrous decisions. In this article, Michael A. Roberto argues that poor decisions are usually caused by poor decision-making processes. One of the most important things a leader can do when he/she needs to make an important decision, he writes, is to "decide how to decide." The process chosen by the leader can have a huge impact on both the quality of the decision and the organization's buy-in when implementing it. Dr. Roberto dispels several myths about how decisions are made in organizations (e.g. "Myth 4: Managers Analyze and Then Decide") and provides some great insights into how leadership styles, cognitive biases and organizational defensive routines can get in the way of effective decision ...
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