Innovative Change

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Innovative Change

Innovative Change


Over the years, many people offer educational and philosophical beliefs about how teaching and learning should take place. Personal philosophies of education allow understanding the different learning environment. An educational philosophy allows for different types of education which will be implemented during the configuration. Since education is a very great experience, different types of educational and philosophical convictions necessary for the teaching and learning (Ferrero, 2005).


The writer of personal philosophy of education called educational training will be first described. Then the writer of philosophy of education will be described in conceptual, theoretical and institutional framework. Finally, concluding remarks will summarize the importance of the development / implementation of the personal philosophy of education (Driscoll, 2005). The "evaluation of various theories of learning for their validity and feasibility of eventually became a question of creating personal theory of learning and education" (Noe, & Wright, 2004).

A process theory of learning has several important steps that include the design and / or implementation of the instructions, watching the effects of training in terms of learning and Innovative change, as well as the formation of intent to study and search for new knowledge. A personal philosophy of education offers a particular understanding of educational training and education (Noe, & Wright, 2004).

Through various educational philosophies to follow, it allows various aspects of training will be provided in the learning environment (Ferrero, 2005). The development of personal theory of learning, it must be transferred in a specific professional context. This means you should use their professional experience when coming to their personal philosophy of education through experience, they may be in a particular area or class, for example (Driscoll, 2005).

An Innovative educational philosophy was chosen because of the belief that lack of Innovation is whether the student will be ...
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