Innovation And Change

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Leading Innovation and Change

Leading Innovation and Change


This paper will discuss in detail about theories of innovation and change. The theories bringing innovation and change will be critically reviewed, in addition to it, the paper will also include insight about leadership of innovation and change. Through this assignment, I will try to cover the implementation of theories, specifically Theory E and O given by Beer and Nohria in 2000, along with some other theories by putting them in practice and giving examples I was involved in or have experienced throughout my carrier.

Understanding what innovation means, needs differentiation between it and invention, creativity and change, fields for innovation and how to manage them. The change process will involve us in identifying change types, classify and align them to change theories. I will go through leading innovation types, leadership role, encouragement of creativity and building innovation framework. Creativity and its relationship with innovation and change will be explained, besides the creative thinking. Motivational and leadership qualities are not only essential for upper management in business, but these qualities are essential among employees, as well. Many people often have a tendency to be a leader, while some leasers go on to be effective leaders by learning successful leadership behaviours (Zaccaro & Marks 2001, 451-483). Leadership is all about leading others. It is very important for leaders to understand that what will motivate others. If leaders want to create or continue a change they should know how to influence their followers (Barbara 2005, P. 246-290).

Leading is used to change channel motivation into practical use employee motivation is based on many factors. One the common factor in motivating employees is depended on the work they are doing. It is wrong to think that those employees who do simple work every day become more efficient over time; however there is the fact that a person gets bored by doing the same work daily. Employees stay motivated if they get various and different tasks to perform and the ability to grow, as well. It is very sad to that there are many workers who do not get chances to perform different tasks and a chance to show their ability and creativity (Yukl 2007, 96).

Concept of Innovation and Change


The business and organizational world are full of constant challenges, goals and dreams. One of the biggest challenges is the organizational Innovation. Business professionals should be aware of the existing need to go with the flow in a changing world, where every day we are engaged in technological, business, political, economic, social, and cultural challenges. In order to change, we need to innovate.

For innovation, Employees must have the confidence to share their ideas with the rest of the organization. They need to trust that they can make mistakes without suffering negative consequences. Management must demonstrate its commitment to innovation through excellent internal and external communication. They must also demonstrate commitment to be themselves and encouraging innovative creativity taking risks. It is necessary to implement highly imaginative ideas, which are ...
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