Innovation And Change

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Innovation and Change

Innovation and Change


The Six Thinking Hats, of Edwared de Bono, is considered a step-by-step method for decision making based on solid psychological research. Each hat represents a different perspective from which to view a problem - and it works. De Bono's thinking techniques allow a person to explore their creative mind when solving problems, as thinking is done along definite lines. The untrained mind will approach problems in a confused manner and decisions are often affected by emotions. Edward De Bono is considered a specialist of conceptual thinking, the thought process unravels, separating elements such as emotions, information, logic, hope and creativity (Runco, 2007, 1-38).

De Bono is of the view that being innovative and creative is not only inborn quality, rather it is something which can be developed, and a quality that can be gained. The concept of "Six Thinking Hats" develops harmonized thinking among team members, as it provides a framework producing timely, focused and productive team meetings (Runco, 2007, 263-277). During the 'Six Hats' process, every distinct color represents a different approach to thinking. Each hat is one of the elements of thought:

White: neutral and objective, based on facts and figures

Red: emotional vision

Black: care and caution

Yellow: optimism, positive thinking

Green: fertile growth, creativity and new ideas

Blue: calm, organization


From the late 90's, mobile phones have become a vehicle for innovation, such as mobility or high-tech in general. Some models have contributed to the creation of new standards and new forms of wireless communication. The technology improvements associated benefits electronic components, including their miniaturization, which allows phones to acquire functions previously reserved for computers.

These phones have become an important necessity and requirement for life. The components that were previously available only with computers are now coming available in the hands of a normal man. The increased value ...
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