This part of the paper will focus on the importance of developing staff, which states that, constant improvements and changes in the company, the implementation of various projects form a natural environment for the development and growth of our Staff. The successful solution of the tasks requires ongoing professional development, development of corporate and managerial skills. Staff Development is a set of measures, including vocational training graduates, retraining and skills development and career planning within the organization. The purpose of staff development is to ensure the organization is well-trained Staff in accordance with its objectives and strategy development (Sutherl, 2004, 118). Under the system RP is to be understood purposeful set of information, education, tied to specific jobs of elements that contribute to upgrade the qualifications of the organization in accordance with the objectives of its development potential and aptitudes of Staff.
Staff development in modern conditions it is extremely important, since significantly increases the competitiveness of the company. Development of staff in an organization can significantly improve the quality of management within the company; it significantly increases the level of professional staff, which in turn leads to increased productivity. In addition, development of staff in the company helps more successful use of innovative technologies and implementation of innovative solutions in the management of the company. It should be noted that sometimes the development of Staff is simply vital, and it is connected with certain periods of the evolution of the company or with problems in the process of doing business. For example, the level of training may be insufficient if the company changes its business strategy, sales policy or upgrading production. Large-scale acquisition or merger also requires greater training (Singh, 2006, 35). The process of withdrawal of a leader depends on the increase of personnel. As a rule, the personnel department in the company and provides staff development. On the shoulders of the personnel department is the full range of activities associated with this process. The successful development of Staff can be done using the these basic principles:
Defining development needs
Need is the gap between desired and actual performance. Actual outcomes are determined by different methods: evaluation of personnel, analysis of the results of the organization, a survey of managers and Staff, analysis of lay-offs, etc. The desired parameters are determined by the audit of development plans. Needs may be different, this is the development of management skills, development of professional skills and qualities - it all depends on the company's goals. Additionally, there may be behavioural needs related to corporate culture. The main thing - it's the difference between the desired and existing, in order to plan, in which direction to staff development (Schuler, 2007, 313).
Coordination of the company's objectives and staff development
Every company has its business strategy, plans and objectives. Staff development should be carried out and match exactly the tasks that are currently facing the organization. Therefore, development of Staff and the company's development should be ...