Human Resource

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Human Resource


The world of business has become a struggle to gain competitive advantage in a much larger and more demanding marketplace. The human resource management has been developed from different stages starting from personnel management and Human resource management it has long historical development. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the reasons and methods for the measurement of HR partnering and the advantages it can bring. Here we will discuss three essentials of successful HR partnering - understanding, resources and credibility. Explores each in some depth, and illustrates them with cases based on the experience of European companies. And then that there is no one best way to implement partnering; the HR model and its pace of introduction should be tailored to the organization.

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Organizations on leveled fields compete in many ways: products, customer service, technology, innovations, expertise, sales, etc. Companies replicate others' successes quickly - no one has a sustained competitive advantage. The challenge is continuously to create the temporary advantages that win share and create profit for a while. The organization's people create and recreate short-lived advantages. That is why HR is, and will remain, central to modern competitiveness. On a leveled field, great HR becomes crucially important.( Boxall, 2000,183)

However, if organizations want more from HR they look critically at current HR structures and practices, and they want improvements. HR partnering is invariably seen as the mechanism for making the big changes that enable HR to make significant strategic and competitive contributions (see Figure 1).

The second inescapable pressure on HR is the growth of low-cost alternative HR services, both technological and human. Today's IT is easy to use, intelligent and cheap - it can provide many of the services HR has provided. In addition, many of the HR tasks that continue to need people could be provided at lower cost. If we have to do things using people we can sometimes do them a lot smarter.

Against this background, the structure and operation of quite a few HR functions seems to be the product of history, not a rational analysis of how best to provide services today. The logic and systems that have transformed your organization's delivery, customer services and product development will also be applied to HR. Executives know there are low-cost alternatives, they have used them elsewhere, and they ask why alternatives have not been used in HR.( Dickens, 2000, 138)

So, at a time when organizations ask HR to add greater value, they also want lower costs. And those are the essence of HR partnering: HR professionals make real contributions to strategy and its implementation, while low-cost alternatives deliver routine HR services. It is a model of HR that has inevitably taken hold in those industries with the fiercest competition and the biggest costs.

Executives will see competitors, suppliers and partner organizations benefiting from HR partnering, and ask why not us? And, as the global experience of HR partnering grows, and the number of able HR partners increases, so the HR partnering ...
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