The purpose of this report is to outline a strategic plan for Curves Fitness Club. We will provide a strategic direction for Curves Fitness Club, as well as an implementation strategy and Business plan. The Fitness industry is very competitive, due to number of levels which a store can operate at. Curves Fitness Club will be in the middle range of this market, specializing in health and Fitness. However, they will have a number of strengths which differentiate Curves Fitness Club from their competitors. The main strength will be their customer focus. Curves Fitness Club will be in a good position financially, which will allow them to expand and grow. The strategies we recommend are: concentration on a single industry, differentiation, customer focus, and a trans-national strategy. To enable Curves Fitness Club to achieve these strategies, an implementation plan has also been developed. The strategies, alongside the implementation plan.
Table of Contents
Mission Statement3
Market analysis4
Market Segments5
Target market6
Media strategy7
Curves Fitness Club Management Operations8
Financial Analysis9
Curves Fitness Club
Marketing is the social and administrative process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by exchanging goods and service. In other words, marketing is a form of identification of the needs and desires of the consumers. Selling the right product at the right price, right place, and correct way of promoting the product is the core of the marketing process. A literature on the different marketing strategies and techniques in the context of the fitness industry will be carried out for the research. It consists of a series of activities, disciplines and companies that have emerged as a response to strong demand in the market to improve and maintain optimum fitness through regular practice of physical exercise, balanced food intake and adequate rest periods.This research proposal focuses on the various aspects of the fitness industry and effective marketing schemes in order to promote the industry.
Mission Statement
“To be the number 1 in the fitness industry with a global presence”
A. To achieve a clientele of 5000 plus members.
B. To attain the level of a franchise.
C. To employ a trainer force of above 500 certified trainers.
D. To be able to obtain the status of an institute for training.
These milestones are expected to be covered within a time span of 10 years. The status of a franchise will take 5 years more than the other targets. In addition, the management will be looking to develop the fitness club into an institution where people can be trained in the science of physical fitness. The institute will design its own certification and training programs will produce world class trainers. We know that the club has a very large clientele. We also know that the women's place enormous emphasis on fitness.
Women are very conscious about their weight and fitness. The eating habits of women's' make them an ideal target market for a health and fitness club (Marshall,2011). The acquisition of this new facility will be a factor that will boost the current revenues by employing appropriate marketing ...