In this paper we will be describing the criminal justice and management. In addition, we will be covering the utmost essential components of criminal justice and management. It will also include analytical comparison of different components of criminal justice. Mutually and individually the components of the criminal justice system make efforts to avoid crime, and hold criminal behavior. The System execute and evaluate precautionary crime actions, execute legal actions to protect orders, allocate legal determination of responsibility, enforce sanction support upon the crime of the performer, and grant standard correctional measures for convicted criminals.
Criminal Justice Management
Criminal justice management is an organization, which related to sincere, fair, and efficient system of administration. It is an administration for providing justice to needy one, by controlling and implementing criminal laws. The justice system and administration are extremely interactive in dividing power among the court, the correctional system, police, and juvenile justice agency (Reichel, 2002).
The local and state governments have similar operations like the federal government. Each locality and states has its own laws. This affects the justice and administrations within its area. The criminal justice system exists in local and state government. The state police and highway patrol enforce laws in towns, villages, and cities. Serious offences prosecute in state courts, while municipal courts handle minor offence. Local jails, prisons and detentions centers provide to the State by the government (Reiman, 2001).
The criminal justice organization of United Sates has three principal components: The courts, the correctional system, and the police. These components simultaneously play independent part as well as the integrated and interrelated system. The organization administrates all levels of government. There are three levels of government local, state, and federal. There are law enforcement agencies that are under Federal government (FBI, 2008). It includes Drug enforcement agency, secret service agency, and the most famous FBI federal investigation bureau. The federal government has its own Court system that takes legal actions against violation of federal laws. It investigates federal crime and its system (Simon, 2007).
Historical perspective
From the very early days, it is believe that criminal justice is a well maintained organization which was introduced by Britain's. The substantial parts of criminal justice have come from the British common law, but now it is part of American legal system. It started in seventeenth and eighteenth century and embedded in the court of law. The most significant figure in city court was personal residents and the justice of peace to whom people brought their problems and complaint. Even watchmen provide security at night their job was provisional and most of the time unpaid. These watchmen were usually the elder citizens(Garland, 2001). They were not statutory authority when there are some serious offend people called out the militia. The organizations that controlled contemporary criminal justice developed gradually over seventeen and eighteen century. These organizations introduce the relationship of crime and society.
There were two essential changes in Americans. First, they introduced great scholar movement that converted Western reflection at the beginning of the modern ...