Workplace Violence

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Workplace Violence and Bullying

Table of Contents



Workplace Violence5

Workplace Bullying6

Preventing Workplace violence8

Recording keeping of Incidents10


Workplace Violence and Bullying


Workforce violence is any event in which the employee gets physically attacked. Workplace bullying is the repeated unpleasant behavior towards an employee that may create health and safety risks. In US, workforce violence and bullying laws are enforced to provide employees a safe working environment. Violence, sexual harassment, and bullying are a part of these laws. Bullying is defined as the deliberate attack on an employee's right and dignity that creates a problem for the victim and consequently affects the employee's physical and mental health. Most of the penalties related to these issues are placed on the employers. Therefore, employers must realize the importance of these laws. Moreover, employers must put an effort to train their employees accordingly. The employees must also be oriented about the consequences of any kind workplace violence. The first step to maintain a prevention program for workplace violence includes management dedication and worker's involvement, according to National Labor Relations Act, 129 U.S.C. 158 (a)(2). Next to it is the worksite analysis. Thirdly, the hazardous controls must be kept in mind. Fourthly, health and safety trainings must be conducted regularly. Lastly, the program evaluation is a compulsion. Companies that are alert, or that are rationally alert, know that domestic violence may occur in the workplace. They must take every safety measure to protect all employees who are t risk of physical injury, in all possible situations (section 32.0.4). Discussion

Presently, no federal laws or regulations address workplace violence. Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Act Section 5(a)(1) (the “General Duty Clause”) provides regulations for workplace health and safety (, 2012). The Occupational Safety and Health Act is administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This administration body covers regulation for both private and public sector industries. Employers are bond to follow the regulations provided by the OSHA. Moreover, the employers must provide workers with a violence free work environment. Moreover, many national and multinational companies implement a zero tolerance for workplace violence. Still, companies must develop strategies to minimize and prevent workplace violence events. Further research is essential in order to determine methods to deal with workplace violence and bullying. It will help in increasing productivity among employees in all organizations.

According to the Occupational health and Safety acts, stakeholders must own the following responsibility:

Employers must:

• Protect workers from all kinds of workplace violence circumstances (Section 25(2)(h)).

• Provide instructions, information and continuous guidance workers in order to protect their health and provide safety measures (Section 25(2)(a)).

• Ensure proper equipment and protecting devices are provided to the workers (Section 25(1)(b)).

• Provide support and assistance to a joint health and safety commission (Section 25(2)(e)) and,

• Organize and implement, a written occupational health and safety policy. This is relevant for workplaces with more than five regularly employed workers (Section 25(2)(j)).

Supervisors must:

• Ensure that workers must perform duties along with protective devices ...
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