Working And Leading People

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Working with and Leading People

Working with and Leading People

Job Description and Person Specification

Hiring and selecting individuals is a challenging task. A company needs people who are competent and who fulfill the tasks that are assigned to them in the most efficient manner. Company ABC needs people at senior positions. They require a person who will manage their supply chain department and will head with the uttermost efficiency. It is important for the company to hire an individual who will look after the procedure of supply chains and will make sure the company does not suffer losses.

Following are the skills and qualities that are required by the company for this position:

Managing Skills

Decision Making Skills

Relevant experience of 7 years in a similar industry

Must possess Motivating Skills

Should be an Effective Leader

Impact of Legal, Regulatory and Ethical considerations on the Recruitment and Selection process

From the recruiting to the interview and the selection procedure of the candidate, there are certain laws and regulations that should be followed. It is essential for the employers to make sure that these legal and regulatory requirements are met. This will help them in ensuring that the way in which they are hiring is done in the right manner and that will help them in knowing more ( Every country has its own laws and regulations; therefore, it is important for the companies to follow the laws that are outlined in their country. One law that is universal is the law of equality and the right to employment. This means that everyone should be given a chance and should be selected if he or she is the right candidate, regardless of the gender.

The impact of legal and regulatory framework on the employment is that the people have to make sure that the right steps are taken for the recruitment and selection process. This will not only help them in conducting the hiring and selection process in an effective manner and will also help them in getting the right candidates. On the other hand, there are certain ethical standards that should be followed by the employer. They should make sure that the ethical framework as outlined by the company are followed appropriately and also help them in knowing as to how the selection process should be conducted. If recruitment and selection is done in an unethical manner, the company will be at a loss and will hire individuals who are not fit for the position. Therefore, the company should be very vigilant and should make sure that the right candidates are hired in the right manner.

Difference between Leadership and Management

There is a common perception that the role of leaders and managers is the same. This means that the people do not have a clear idea and perception related to the two concepts. Leaders are the people who motivate their followers and are the ones who innovate the process that should be followed. Managers, on the other hand, assist the leaders in ensuring that the process leaders ...
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