Wayne Grudem's Book, Systematic Theology; A Biblical Doctrine.

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Wayne Grudem's book, Systematic Theology; A Biblical Doctrine.

Wayne Grudem's book, Systematic Theology; A Biblical Doctrine.


Grudem has put the Bible under a new light in his book. It can be counted as one of the best books written on theology. Although it comes from the mind of an excellent theologian, but the best aspect of this book is that it can be understood by a layman as well. The book displays a fine balance between physical and spiritual understanding. Grudem looks upon the systematic theology as a topically-driven, constructed presentation of Christian dogma. In this doctrine, all the pieces fit together in a proper way. His book can be studied by keeping this approach in mind; select all the verses that talk about a topic, summarize the teachings of that verse and construct them into a articulate doctrinal statement.

About the Author

Wayne Grudem is an evangelical theologian, an author and a seminary professor. He has also served as an editor (general) of the ESV Study Bible. He has a BA from Harvard University, M.Div from Westminister Theological Seminary and PH.D in from the Universoty of Cambridge.

His book is ample for the reader who wants to have a clear insight in the collection of the Bible. He has backed every concept present in the Scripture with reason and evidences that prove that this Holy Book can answer all the questions presented by humans. A distinctive feature of this book is that it does not contradict with anyone's opinion. Grudem has stated that his book does not demean anyone and he has respect for the liberal theology as well.

Book Review

Grudem has kept the definition of systematic theology in mind while constructing his fifty-seven chapters, of this elaborative book. In the start of every chapter, Grudem has presented definition about what he thinks (or what that topic is in easy words). Each chapter (including the various sections) are well organized and elaborative. He has kept in mind the standards of the evangelical works and has attached a bibliographical list at the end of each chapter. In addition to this, there is also a complete list of bibliography at the end of the book (for those who want to refer to other books, although there is no need). Each chapter has a passage of the Scripture and a hymn (in accordance with the topic of the chapter). Grudem has used this idea (of using passages and hymns) at his seminars. Altogether there are sixty hymns in the whole book.

Grudem has cited his own writings, more than any other writer. He has used the writings of authors like Berkhof, Carson, Erickson and a few others.

Sections of the Book

The book has seven parts, The Doctrine of the Word of God, The Doctrine of God, The Doctrine of Man, The Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit, The Doctrine of Application of Redemption, The Doctrine of the Church and The Doctrine of the Future.

What is Systematic Theology

According to Grudem, 'systematic theology' means that it is a study ...
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