Bible Doctrine

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BIBLE Doctrine

BIBLE Doctrine


Theology in a Christian context is a discipline of study that seeks understands the God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and tries to provide a Christian interpretation of reality. It seeks to understand God's creation in particular human beings and their condition, and the redemptive work of God for humanity. Biblical theology provides historical and philosophical point's views and interpretations that help to reach a coherent whole. Theology provides a guide for Christian life and the ministry. The article reports on a review of the Wyan Gruden's book. It can be said that Gruden examines the diversity of traditions within the Body of Christ and reminds us that our faith is rooted in Christian theological truths value.


The book is based on the study of theology and doctrine around fairly standard categories such as the word of God, salvation, Jesus Christ is based (Grudem, 2009). Introduction to the Bible's Doctrine has written a strong emphasis on the work clearly for each modern approach, frequent application to life situations, and the resources for systematic theology. The systematic theology text by Wayne Grudem suggests worship without prejudice. This is a wonderful combination of erudition and inspiration elements that are rarely found in scholastic books Grudem, 2009) has been achieved. The Christian who want to keep both his sanity and his charity "in dealing with those who are theologically liberal and radical should be present both facts: first, a Christian can have a low (liberal) theology and / or, low morality (permissive, hedonistic, relativistic), and yet remain Christian, second, no theology is Christian theology low and no lower Christian ethics is ethics. A believing Christian theology with low or low ethics will have problems in your life and cause problems in the lives of others. The focus of this book is on the historical study of how Christians have understood, at different times, different philosophical and theological justification of what should be known by God, based on observations of the universe. In fact, some consider the historical, philosophical and apologetic analyzed mater at points throughout the book. This is because historical study informs us, the experience of others in the past understanding.

Critical Discussion

The main demands of the author are made in "An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine" of God's Word, about Jesus Christ and salvation. The Bible teaching has many features such as a strong emphasis on the biblical basis for each doctrine and teaching. The book takes a contemporary approach to theology, where special attention is paid to the topics of particular interest today. The author makes the point often to provide application of theology to life. According to the author, God created only man and created in his image. But what does this mean? By beginning, we may start with the definition of Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem that refers to the creation if man in the image of God, that man is like God and represents God. "When God said" Let us make man in our image, after ...
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