Violence In The World Of Children

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Violence in the World of Children


Child abuse and neglect also referred to collectively as child maltreatment, comprises the legal and social definitions of typologies, including physical abuse, physical neglect, emotional/psychological neglect, and sexual abuse. Legal definitions of the different types of maltreatment vary from state to state, but their source is societal standards of a safe, nurturing environment that ensures a child can grow into a fully functioning, contributing member of society. The definitions below are based on those used by the American Humane Society and other standard sources in the field.

The concept of child maltreatment has evolved throughout history. Across cultures, children used to be seen as the property of their parents, having neither rights nor privileges, and infanticide was a common practice. Children's status in life was determined by the parents, and discipline was often harsh and unrestrained by society. In the ancient world as well as the more modern Western world, children of slaves were at the mercy of their masters, who exploited them physically for work and often abused them sexually. Many children worked the land or were indentured to tradesmen, who were sometimes abusive or exploitive.


Is it simply beat him to a person? Psychological violence also has given us a new vision of human beings and their psychological needs. We now know that there is another kind of violence that also hurts people, psychological or verbal violence. Destroy a person's self-esteem systematically through criticism, contempt, neglect or abuse, are also forms of violence (Bonem, Kime, Corbin, 2008). There is no doubt that sometimes a blow the minds are much more damaging than body shots and left the deepest wounds. The victims of such violence generally continue to suffer quietly and thus do not receive the help they need. A person hit in your body can show the wounds and help. However, it is systematically beaten in their psyche, in spirit, has no physical injuries to show the world to help. As this type of abuse or domestic violence often occurs in the privacy of the home, usually goes unnoticed, sometimes for many years. Moreover, usually verbal or psychological violence precedes the physical (Brinkerhoff, David, White, Ortega, Weitz, 2008).

Enlightened Witness

Child maltreatment is associated with adverse effects and trauma in children as they develop and grow into adulthood. While signs of developmental delays or other difficulties do not always indicate that a child has been maltreated, research ...
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