Violence And Children

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Violence and Children


Do you want your children to have psychological problems, to be kept away from neighboring people, or even to become a criminal the rest of their life? In family, children always need love and care from their parents. Every parent always wants their children to become good citizens, to have a wonderful life in the future, so we always try to teach them the best thing we know. However, we always think that whatever we teach will help them in the future, so we want our children follow and obey us. In reality, there are many ways to teach our children, such as, giving them the freedom to discover or telling them what is wrong, and what is right. Nevertheless, there is a very common mistake about using violence to raise a child. It is wrong! Consequently, violent behaviors to children in any situation are absolutely unacceptable because of moral issue, psychological problems, and family relationship for our children (Haugen & Musser, pp. 131).

Some families use violence to teach their children because they think a light spanking has more effects than a thousand lectures. Besides, they might think it's just a light hurt to their children, doesn't make them too pained or leave trace in their skin. They just want to make their children to be scared and to never repeat the mistake again. However, they are wrong because even thought the light spanking or light violent action doesn't make the child hurt, it leaves many worse psychological effects for the children in the future. For example, in the article “The need for spanking”. However, I don't agree with this because Greshoff can't make sure that if she spanking her child in this situation, whether her child won't run out in the street again In this situation, spanking is not the only choice to solve the problem. She can just hold her child's hand harder and explain to her that speech car out there is very dangerous, and it will make her hurt, or promise that if she obeys her mother, she will take her go to the zoo, or buy an ice cream for her. The situation will be solved without spanking. Because violence toward children results in negative long-term effects, we should not act violently as a way to raise our children (Gentile, pp. 109). Children are often subjected to sexual abuse by acquaintances or relatives. Thus, according to statistics, 10 percent of girls are raped. Children who have witnessed domestic violence are at an equally severe psychological trauma as direct victims of violence. Children who have witnessed domestic violence are at an equally severe psychological trauma as direct victims of violence. In addition, children are more at risk of becoming a victim of abuse or neglect if they live in a violent situation. In this regard, it is important that children who experience trauma have access to special social and psychological services.

The project idea is based on the fundamental international human baby. Article 19 ...
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