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Vocational Education Training (VET)

Vocational Education Training (VET)

Question 1

Vocational Education Training (VET)

Vocational Educational Training is a unique type of education that provides special type of teachings to the people. They prepare them for the specific trades, careers and crafts at different levels. This type of education must comprise in different fields which may take advantage to the people. This education is usually based on physical or realistic activities, conventionally non-academic, connected to a detailed occupation, vocation or trade.

It is mostly passed on to as scientific teaching as the apprentice unswervingly builds proficiency in a specific group of methods (Smith, Erica, and Jack Keating, 2003). This training makes perfect the person from the technical education which helps them to use it in a different way.

Key Features of VET

Three key features of VET (Vocational Educational Training) are as follows:

Impact of competences and skills

This feature will help the person to enhance its skills and competencies scale. VET requires motivational and traditional techniques which help them to sustain in a practical way.

Content of practicing and learning

This requires learning skills which can help them to learn and enlighten the practical methods.

Potential in

The techniques help them to prevail in the market among different other competitors.

These are the three main key features of the Vocational Education Training which can help the person in a practical way. The features further help the person to attain the observation and implement it in a realistic approach.

Question 2

Characteristics of Competency Based Training & Assessments (CBTA)

Competency based training and an assessment is an evaluation which can enlighten all the capabilities that can provide effectual outcomes in a training session (Feldman et al., 2012). There are several characteristics which can dominant the strategies of these training and assessments such as

The competency based training allocates each learner to have the equal opportunity to tuber and develop evaluated on the capabilities obtained.

Evaluation of competency is not focused on attitude and knowledge but enlightens the core principles of competency under the significant demonstration.

Unit competency and occupational standards has used as the foundation for helping achievements and the people such as students and the trainers will aware the core principles of these competencies scale.

The task which has to focus in any occupation or profession will provide accurate documentation and training. This can effectual for people to attain a good knowledge with full competencies.

Peoples can progress by attaining and demonstrating all the competencies with good scale.

Question 3

Relationship between Training and Assessment Strategies and Learning Programs

Training programs always effectual for obtaining good and estimated results. This program will help the person to improve their inefficiency by taking proper training. The result must be effective if it has accomplished with full compliance. In the training program, the organization has focused on the weak points and tries to cover up by giving them immediate actions which can lessen the lacking scale. The proper methods and documentation will help the person or organization to take care all the weaken points and provide them effectual method which can prosperous ...
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