Analyse the present situation and the definition of the problem.
(a) Investigate the situation
The use of electronic medical records (EMR) in veterinary facilities is for storage, retrieval, and modification of animal medical history. There are many advantages and disadvantages concerning the implementing of EMR systems at 'Fur and Paws'. In addition, EMR technology at 'Fur and Paws' can helping animal healthcare providers improve the quality of administration and effectively integrating routine clinical workflow. According to the present situation, the records at 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic has been maintained manually. With increase in the volume of records there are increasing cases of errors in the records creating inconveniences for the customers. Due to manual entry of records the workload was also increasing for the employees. There was a great need to develop the system design that automatically maintains the records and reporting for 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic.
(b) Root Definition
A statement about the core purpose of the care system was expressed as a root definition and a purposeful activity model. To compile the root definition and to stimulate thinking about the care process a CATWOE analysis was conducted, which essentially is a checklist of necessary elements that combine together to show a human activity system.
CATWOE for the system design that automates the medical records for the 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic.
Vaccinations records to be inserted for vets.
Care givers, physicians, doctors
Designing of medical
records/reminder system
All the clinincs needs to have a computerised system that
automatically sends the remiinder of appointment dates and also shows the history of patients(vets).
Fur and Paws' Vet clinic
Clinical guidelines, financial
constraints, resource availability
The Root Definition as formed from the CATWOE for 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic
“An integrated process, supported by an integrated electronic care record, which is accurate and timely and available to all appropriate staff at the point of care delivery for vets at 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic.”
The themes that emerged from this definition are:
(1) An integrated process and record;
(2) Accurate and timely;
(3) Available to all appropriate staff;
(4) Point of care.
Main Findings: Root definition
This paper explores the system design for the automation of the medical records for 'Fur and Paws' Vet clinic. The system should keep record of the medication and visit history of every pet that has been to any of the clinic. A unique identifier is assigned to the Pet which is tied to the owner of the Pet. Any of the branch clinics should be able to access the record of a pet based on the unique identifier.
The system will generate vaccination reminders in advance for all pets 2 weeks prior to the vaccination date. These reminders can then be printed and posted to the pet owners.
For the pets whose owners did not get the vaccination done on the appointment days, reminder notices are to be sent. The reminder notices can be sent by email or by post. If the customer wishes to receive reminders by post ...