Uniform In School

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Uniform in School

Uniform in School


Attention-Getting Device:

The role of uniform in the school always hold great importance, therefore, the author felt that the topic need to discussed completely.

Credibility Statement:

According to the author research, equality of opportunity requires equality in all spheres, including that of the dress code in school. Social mix during the period of school life should allow children of different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds to learn to live together and build a future of cohesion. 

Audience Relevancy Statement:

However, it is not so, and differences due to clothing hype lobbies known brands are more representations of a form of discrimination even more insidious than the distinction of race, the respects all the students from poor families. Many of these families feel compelled to meet the demands of clothing their children, so they do not feel rejected by their classmates, and sometimes go into debt for it (Donbavand & Gibson, 2010).


The importance of uniform in school holds two different thoughts of school; one is that support the concept of uniform in school and the other one who is not much supporter of uniform in school. Therefore, the researcher tried to present the ideas of the both school of thoughts.


The school uniform issue transformed the school life of the students because the uniform basic purpose was to distinguish the ordinary student from the specific student, however, in this matter, the uniform cost found to be a sort of burden on the parents and also it caused discrimination among the children.

Transition 1:


Problem :

As the problem discussed above, the main issue is to target the role of uniform in the school that what are the outcomes of having uniform in the school and what is the role of uniform in schools.


The harm of the uniform in the school considered to be that it causes the concept of discrimination among the society and also acted as the burden on the families.


The school uniform would allow children of all backgrounds to focus on their goal of learning and development school by withdrawing them from an unnecessary burden which they are not always aware, that of having to sacrifice fashion on pain be excluded. This is wearing a uniform similar to their peers they will be proud to assert their own identity and not a style of dress adopted for acceptance and they are not always proud (tracksuits, sneakers, caps). 


The positive effects of the adoption of a uniform may be multiple, may be considered obviously reduced levels of violence in schools, better integration of children of immigrant populations, a removal of social barriers, improved academic success by the absence of distraction due to fanciful outfits and finally, the adoption of a broader behavioral posture and language naturally induced by this type of dress code (Lane, 2001).

Transition 2:

I. Cause:

Shaping a spirit, the uniform is accused of developing the herd instincts. Imposing a dress code for youth, it restricts the expression of personality. Moreover, by accustoming young people to accept a mold, the uniform becomes a powerful vehicle of social ...
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