Policyof School Uniform Is Disliked By Students

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Policyof School Uniform Is Disliked By Students

Policy Of School Uniform Is Disliked By Students

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Policy Of School Uniform Is Disliked By Students3

Executive Summary3





Policy Of School Uniform Is Disliked By Students

Executive Summary

Students, especially those who study at schools would always like to be free of rules and regulations. They want to go up with the fashions. Just because of fact that they try to mention facts against Fulton County policy about uniforms. Which is true to some extent. There are some students who face certain problems to stay up-to-date with latest fashion. However, it doesn't affect majority of students. School uniforms are raising up as a big question in front students' parents and school administration. There are some people against Fulton County school uniforms but most of the community responds in very positive manner . In this regard this paper will discuss about Fulton County policies on behaviour in school, how students relate to school policy and how to counselors address the behaviour problems with students.


School administration may require Fulton County school uniform when it has an overwhelming need to put into place. This is agreeable, but to put school uniforms into effect a vote must occur with the parents of the school district before bringing the idea up with the school board. The student body should also have their opinion voiced to the Fulton County school board. (Gutek 2008) Students should be given a chance to give arguments against school uniforms. So that decision could be taken in positive way.


There is one more conflict co-exists is the issue on if clothing is a form of symbolism. Some say it could be a form of speech. This could be true to some extent but if a piece of clothing is disrupting or offending anyone should be removed and never seen on the premises.

Yes, students should be able to dress the way they want, but Fulton County schools should have the right to set standards and create more of a dress code, not a unique uniform that each student must wear.

Initially, it was a good concept of a school uniform, but there are some flaws and specific items that go along with it that people dislike. If a dress code was created, the same objectives could possibly be achieved as through Fulton County school uniform. This dress code wouldn't be extremely tight where the students involved would become upset over the issue. With a moderate dress code misconduct and student conflicts would considerably decrease, because the students would be able to dress closely to the way they want, yet taking away some brand names or unpleasant apparel that satisfies the school district, and parents of students. Misconduct will always occur in schools not matter what type of clothing students wear, students who are problems will always seem to be a problem. This dress code may decrease misconduct but I doubt it would eliminate it, but it would be a great ...
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