Uniforms Effects On Violence In U.S. Schools

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Uniforms effects on violence in U.S. schools

Uniforms effects on violence in U.S. schools


Every year, school districts think of better ways to increase their student's performances. School district officials gather student's performances and evaluate them. After evaluating their performances, they analyze them to integrate better results. Some school districts think the idea of mandatory school uniforms may result in better student performances. School uniforms for female students can influence many factors among students in public school systems. The uniforms can positively affect the student's social factors, psychological factors; decrease the amount of violence in schools, and they also raise controversy of some negative effects. (David, 2000, 15)

Uniforms effects on violence in U.S. schools

School uniforms for female students can affect students in many social factors. The uniforms would help influence students to be equal. A lot of students form social clicks in school districts. These social clicks are often based on some of the clothes students wear. These clothes often separate the students in social classes. Some of these clicks are not always just based on clothing. These clicks are often associated with academic status, by school groups, (David, 2000, 15) and by extra-curricular activities. Some parents think School uniforms for female students are a bad idea because they cannot afford it. The districts mandating School uniforms for female students placed uniforms into some of their budgets assisting these families with the cost of uniforms. Some feel the use of uniforms may also be a bad idea because once the students are finished with classes and after school activities, they change into their regular clothes and socialize with each other. While socializing with each other outside of school it may lead to reforming social clicks. The possibility of reforming of different clicks may just cancel out the effectiveness of School uniforms for female students. If the use of School uniforms for female students is only useful inside the classroom, the uniforms expressed their effectiveness good enough. (David, 2000, 15)

The use of School uniforms for female students in public school may affect the student's performance in academic factors. "Uniforms are asserted to increase student learning and attitudes towards school through: enhancing the learning environment, raising school pride (Kizis, 2000), increasing student achievement, raising levels of preparedness, and promoting conformity to organizational goals". (Kizis, 2000, 21)

School uniforms for female students may affect students academics because there will be less distraction in classrooms. Some of the clothing students wear can be very distracting. Some of the clothes boys wear tend be very offensive towards other students causing disturbing conversations amongst students. Some of the clothes young teenage girls wear can also be very distracting. Some girls wear very scandalous and revealing clothes that should not be worn to school. These clothes worn by girls are often nerve rattling in the classrooms. It can cause the boys agonizing pain and grief possibly leading to discussion during lectures. Students would be more focused on their academics if they all wore the ...
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